Welcome to Great Staughton
Great Staughton is an active, friendly community with various Clubs and Societies offering a wide choice of things to do in the village for both children and adults. Please use this site to check what is happening in the village via the ‘Events’ section, ‘The Parish’ section and also via the ‘Clubs & Societies’ section.
Neighbourhood Plan
Great Staughton Parish Council is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the designated neighbourhood area in Huntingdonshire. To accompany the development of the Great Staughton Neighbourhood Plan, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been prepared to inform the plan-making process.
A Scoping Report was prepared for the SEA in December 2023. Historic England, Natural England, Environment Agency, and Cambridgeshire County Council as the Local Lead Flood Authority were consulted by AECOM on the SEA Scoping Report and their comments have informed the scope of the Strategic Environmental Assessment.
An SEA Environmental Report has now been prepared by AECOM. A copy of the Great Staughton Neighbourhood Plan SEA Environmental Report is available on the website. See here.
As required, the Parish Council has consulted again with the necessary statutory consultees. However, if you would like to comment on the SEA Environmental Report please submit these comments to the contacts below by Monday 15th July 2024.
The Regulation 14 consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan was completed between 20th September, 2023 and 2nd November 2023. However, we would be pleased to receive any further comments you may have on the Regulation 14 document taking on board the conclusions of the SEA Environmental Report. The Regulation 14 Great Staughton Neighbourhood Plan is available here.
We look forward to receiving your response. In the meantime, if you have any questions on the SEA process currently being carried out for the Great Staughton Neighbourhood Plan, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Responses to be emailed to gtstaughtonparishclerk@outlook.com or paper responses can be delivered to 2 Hatchet Lane, Stonely, St. Neots, PE19 5EG.
Great Staughton and its people, by Anthony Withers
This book is about the remarkable people from this modest Huntingdonshire village who, over the past two millennia of England’s history, exercised power and influence both locally and on the national stage. The book gives a detailed biography of each of these characters, setting their lives in the wider context of English history from the time of the Romans to the present day.
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