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Useful village contacts

Badminton Club Please contact David Giddings 07926135155

Girlguiding in Gt Staughton

Rainbow unit: for girls aged 5-7. Rainbows grow through a programme of age-appropriate activities, trips, and adventures. They can work towards interest badges, where they can learn about everything from recycling to storytelling, and start their skills builder journey, developing skills like camping, leadership and first aid. There are even awards they can earn, like the Rainbow Gold award and the six Theme awards. Guides unit: for girls aged 10-14. Guides get to try new things, help other people, and discover their passions. The focus is on girls leading the way – they choose the activities, challenges and events that inspire them - and our volunteers help make it happen. There are interest badges such as photography, geocaching, human rights, or they can learn life skills such a budgeting, DIY, careers, first aid and STEM activities. And of course, there’s always lots of crafts, cooking and building a fire involved too! To join, go to (“Information For Parents” then “Register Your Daughter”) or for more information contact Lindy Bornman at

Highwayman Social Car Service Volunteer drivers provide transport for social and medical purposes such as surgery, dentist and hospital appointments, visiting friends and shopping. The service is available for residents of Great Staughton, Hail Weston, Kimbolton, Perry and the surrounding area. To arrange transport or to learn more please ring 07786 520540

Horticultural Society - The Great Staughton Horticultural Society is made up of a group of gardening enthusiasts some with years of experience and some with very little. Members also enjoy a few garden related socials during the year so please contact me if you would like to know more Emma Mumford 07881 621260 or

Kym Valley Carpet Bowls - Established in January 1968 our Bowls club is a friendly and competitive club. The club meets twice a week on Tuesday and Friday evenings 7.00 to 9.30pm and we play matches against eight other clubs on a home and away basis. If you are interested in playing, we would be delighted to welcome you onto the carpet - just come along or telephone Anthony Withers 01480 861224.

Life Magazine - Lorraine Goody – & Rob Young –

Pavilion bookings - The Pavilion and Playing Field are available for hire. They are ideal for Children's parties. The pavilion has kitchen. The central room is also suitable for committee meetings (up to about 20 people). For details contact Giles Brittain – 07740647322

Primary Academy

Our smaller than average primary school offers places to children from 2 to 11. We now have our own nursery class (funded hours available) as well as the primary age-range. Part of the Diamond Learning Partnership Trust, we work closely with other schools to ensure that our children receive the very best provision possible. Our academic standards are excellent as is our holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing, music, the arts and sport. We strive to give every child the opportunity to shine and to try as many different activities as they can during their time with us. All of our pupils also benefit from a forest school session at least once a week. Head Teacher: Suzi Whiting – 01480 860324

Speed Watch

Working to reduce persistent excessive speeding in Great Staughton by providing metrics to the Cambridgeshire Police Force. If you are keen to help, we are always looking for volunteers. David Moore – 01480 811960, 07737 320080, email –

St Andrew’s Parish Church

The Parish Church of St Andrew welcomes everyone . The vicar is Rev’d Nicki Bland and there are also two Lay ministers Maggie and Glenn Coiley. The Churchwardens are Bryan Kitchen and Janet Perrett. Contact numbers for Nicki are 01480869485 and 07805078992. Her email is .To find out current news visit the website on We also have a newsletter sent out weekly. If you would like to receive this please let us know. Regular activities are 2nd Tuesday of the month 10.30 am Coffee morning at the Village Hall, 4th Tuesday of the month 10.30am men’s breakfast at the Church. Every Friday except school holidays 9.00 am – 10.30 am Family Fun for carers and tots. There is a service every Sunday at 10.30 am and a BCP communion at 8.00 am on first Sunday of the month.

Village Hall

The hire rates remain very competitive. Bookings via Vicky Goldsmith on 07739 469243

Great Staughton WI

The WI meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall when members listen to a speaker and have a social time before they leave. This year we are having extra meetings in the form of regular coffee mornings and outings for lunch. Members are welcome to bring their friends to these gatherings. Open to all. Ruth Easom -

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