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Some thoughts about village parking

From Bob Jewell

I have been asked to post this by a concerned resident. It amplifies some of the issues which have been raised in other ways at other times. I would ask all residents to be considerate in how when and where they park. It is really important for safety and convenience of others.

With the recent post about speeding through the village, this has made me want to put my thoughts out there regarding the parking along The Highway.

I have been doing some digging and my understanding is that there is no priority on the spaces opposite the doctors and in the lay-by just to the right of the surgery, and along The Highway. The staff of the surgery have been encouraged to park in other car parks in the village, ( is this a rumour.. ) and having enquired with the Council, you cannot get a permit to be able to park along here, now as much as these are interesting finds, I am really concerned about the level of “ selfish “ parking that has been happening a lot recently.

For some reason the parking spaces are mostly taken up by staff who work at the surgery, and that doesn’t bother me as such, but surely it would be kinder to leave those spaces for patients and customers of the hairdressers and pub .. what does bother me is how close the cars park, to the other cars in the lay-by, then trying to pull out onto The Highway is not the easiest of tasks, and having to try and manoeuvre a car to safely swing out of the spot and then onto the main road can be really tricky. I have noticed a few elderly people trying to pull out safely and cannot see around larger vehicles parked further up the road and they have been given so little space they take a chance to pull out, putting a risk to hitting the car in front and hitting a car oncoming on the main road. This worries me that there is going to be an accident, and someone will be hurt, so here is my suggestion ..

If you are using the lay-bys, please consider who may be using the spaces, it could be someone with limited mobility, a young Mum trying to get her children safely out of the car, someone on a lunch break grabbing a prescription, someone treating themselves to a new hairdo, a long awaited pub lunch … DONT park so close to someone’s bumper they cannot move safely, use all of the lay-by and think about how you would feel if you couldn’t drive away safely … I have been blocked in a few times and I sometimes need to leave in a hurry, when I have looked there is always lots of space behind the car that’s blocked me in …. That’s annoying .. This village is just lovely so let’s all be a bit more thoughtful and safe …

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