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Polling District Review 2023 – Huntingdonshire District Council

Every Council is required to regularly undertake and complete a review of all polling districts and polling places within its administrative boundary at least once every four years. The last full review was completed in 2019. Therefore, we are now looking for your thoughts and views about our existing arrangements to help us decide what, if any, changes should be made in the 2023 review. A Polling District Review page has been created on the District Council’s website here providing more information. It provides full details of the review including – · The Notice of Review. This includes the timetable for the review, details the proposals we are making about where we would like to make changes and here is a link to maps showing the current arrangements relating to polling district boundaries. · A Polling District Schedule showing the existing polling districts, polling places and polling stations for the entire District. This gives the location of our current polling stations that we plan on using at all forthcoming elections, as well as any notes for consideration. It is important that we consult as widely as possible on future arrangements and any comments on the existing structure or proposed changes would be most welcome. Please feel free to share this consultation wider amongst your Town/Parish.

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