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Playing Field Minutes 15th April 2021


Nicole Yates (Chair)                    David Moore             Giles Brittain.        Lindy Borman

Bob Jewell                               Will Mumford            Frank Backhouse

Jo Russel (clerk)                         Margaret Sare          James Duberly

1. Apologies: n/a

2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2021

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

3. Matters arising:

  1. Skate park repairs – c/f

  2. Play equipment – the equipment has now been ordered and the installation date will be sometime in early July. NY wished to express her thanks to the Parish Charities for their contribution of £5000 towards the cost of the project.

  3. Pavilion repairs  – GB is still waiting for the third quote and he will then circulate this to the committee. GB is also looking into the cost of replacing some kitchen units or the kitchen as a whole and has asked a local firm to provide a quote. It is hoped that he will have all of the information by our next meeting on 1 July.

  4. Covid signs  – these have now been replaced.

  5. Rubbish bin – this issue has been resolved.

  6. Moles – the issue has been resolved.

4. Treasurer’s Report – GB reported that the playing field had now received £30K in Covid grants. Girl Guides are starting up again so there is now income from that. The electricity bills seem to have skyrocketed so GB is looking into that as well. It was £1248 this year compared to £722 last year.

5. Reports from Clubs & Users

Horticultural Society: – nothing to report

Tennis Club: – NY reported the club had 52 members now.

School: – no report

Girl Guides: – LB reported that they are about to start meeting again. They have 4 girls at present.

Piglets: – DM reported that Piglets are still open – nothing else to report really. BJ indicated that Piglets will owe £1500 rent for financial year 21/22

Buckden Football Club: no report

6. Operational matters:

The committee have had a query as to whether the Great Staughton veterans football team can use the nets on the playing field. As these belong to Buckden Football club they will need to be asked about this.

The playing field accounts need to be audited by someone new as Kathy Wilson has now retired. They do not need to be a qualified accountant and should be someone not on the committee.

NY has had an email about footballs being kicked into a property on Vicarage Walk. They have asked if the goals can be moved to stop the issue. Unfortunately, this will not work as Buckden have four games taking place at the same time usually. Can ask the football club if they can configure the goals differently but it is doubtful plus there is the issue of footballs then ending up being kicked into the road, which will be dangerous.

7. Correspondence: see above

Dates of next meetings – 1 July, 7 October AGM

Meeting concluded  8.26 pm

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