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Playing Field Minutes 14th Jan 2021


Nicole Yates (Chair)                    David Moore             Giles Brittain

Bob Jewell                               Will Mumford            Frank Backhouse

Jo Russel (clerk)                         Margaret Sare

1. Apologies: James Duberly, Liz Wetzel, Janet Bowen

2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2020

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

3. Matters arising:

  1. Skate park repairs – c/f

  2. Brown tail moth – remove from matters arising for next meeting. Matter will be kept    under review

  3. Grant application  – NY has received a cost estimate from Wicksteed for around £35k to include zipwire which costs about £10k. The Parish Charities Committee is meeting on 11 March and NY will apply for a grant from them.

  4. List of the fallen war memorial – thanks to BJ and Anthony Withers for their work on this and also thanks to Nick Orchard for making the plaque.

  5. Pavilion repairs  – GB is still waiting for a third quote and he will then circulate this to the committee. GB is also looking into the cost of replacing some kitchen units or the kitchen as a whole.

4. Treasurer’s Report – GB reported that there is now a small income from the Running Club in addition to the football club. There will also be a further government covid grant. We need to keep an eye on the electricity bills and GB confirmed that the emergency light had been serviced. The drain has also been professionally cleared. GB has been chasing Kevin Fisk for several months to service the boiler and he may now need to look elsewhere.

5. Reports from Clubs & Users

Horticultural Society: – nothing to report

Tennis Club: – NY reported the club had 40 members now. Courts are currently closed due to lockdown.

School: – no report

Girl Guides: – they are using the field as unable to meet inside at present.

Piglets: – DM reported that Piglets are working at minimal capacity at present – nothing else to report.

Buckden Football Club: no report

6. Operational matters: Covid signs in the playground need replacing. MS will do this and deliver to NY. GB reported that the bin on the playing field is overflowing. Amber is supposed to tell us, as she was not happy about emptying it so GB is doing this at present. GB suggested that the bin is moved.

The moles are back but the matter is just being kept an eye on. No action required currently.

7. Correspondence: nothing to report

Dates of next meetings – 15 April, 1 July, 7 October AGM

Meeting concluded  8.35 pm

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