Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 28th June 2017 in the Village Hall Committee Room
Present: H Duberly (HD) (Chair) J Bowen (JB) G Gilbert (GG) R Jewell (RJ) D Moore (DM) A Withers (AW) J Reid (JR) (Clerk) N Yates (NY) W Mumford (WM) J Russel (JR, New clerk)
a) Residents’ Forum Karen Miller, Tania Jenkins, Lorraine Goody, Ross Goody, Nigel Jenkins, Keith Hiden, Wendy Cain, Dougie Cain, Jason Newell, Andrew Buchanan, Murray Mackay (applicant).
The Residents’ Forum welcomed a group of parishioners from the Town who wished the Council to take note of their objections to the development at Orchard Farm. Mr Murray MacKay from Orchard Farm attended the meeting to answer questions.
Murray Mackay begin by apologising to his neighbours for the consternation caused by his application. He then went on to explain more about his business Zantra Ltd and about the planned application. The old farm buildings are no longer suitable to support the chemical company’s growth plans. He argued that larger warehousing space would reduce the number of unnecessary HGV deliveries as goods could be ordered in bulk.
The principal objections voiced by residents were as follows:
1. The development was aesthetically unpleasing and on a scale inappropriate to a conservation area.
2. The scheme should be considered an industrial rather than an agricultural development.
3. The concern was expressed that there might be further expansion of the buildings and some might be sublet to other, separate businesses.
4. Particular concern was expressed concerning traffic volumes and movements:
HGVs would be accessing the site via The Causeway, at school start and finish times.
The number of lorries was felt to be a serious underestimate.
The Causeway is going to be reconfigured to prevent cars proceeding at speed from the B645. Manoeuvring a 40 tonne HGV around this highway improvement will cause serious H & S issues.
The East and West entrances to the village, on the B645, already have chicanes, which significantly inhibit HGV movements.
Loading / unloading vehicles will require powerful and intrusive lighting on winter days or at night.
Several of the houses in the Town have no footing, and the impact of 40 tonne HGVs is likely to be deleterious.
The Kym river bridge is unsuitable for sustained HGV traffic.
The footpath from the start of the Causeway to the Town exit of the village would be a hazard to any pedestrians, particularly those walking with children, the elderly and infirm.
The Parish Council, having duly taken note of the objections of residents, decided unanimously to support their objections to this scheme and a formal letter of objection will be duly forwarded to HDC Planning Dept.
1. Apologies for absence K Fisk (KF), Jonathan Gray (JG), Ian Gardiner (IG,)
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2017 The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed.
3. Matters Arising
RJ was very pleased to welcome Jo Russel as new clerk, starting 1 July
Annual Return has been completed and submitted for external audit.
Village website update is going to proceed
Moory Croft bridge remedial work to go ahead Action: AW, WM
Parish lunch was thoroughly enjoyable and a great success and thanks go to the Edmunds for hosting and the Youth Club, Kimbolton Rotary and Gilberts for arranging and running the event. Action: JR
4. Attendance at other meetings Piglets (DM) Piglets called an Extraordinary General Meeting as the committee wanted to resign and fold Piglets due to falling numbers. A vote was taken for it to remain open. An AGM was then called and a new Committee was elected. Considerable work has been undertaken by DM and the new committee in the last month to renew Piglets energy, repair and improve facilities and infrastructure and put in place marketing to improve roll numbers. The Parish Council wished to thank Lauren Fisk and Sarah Rawlinson for their work previously on Piglets Committee.
West Hunts Friendship Club (JB) JB attended the AGM. The news from the club is very positive and there is a new coordinator (Lynda Howlett) who has plenty of ideas and energy.
5. Planning Applications Received: 17/00764/FUL to build new warehousing at Orchard Farm Letter to be sent to Hunts DC Planning detailing reiterating objection (as above) and querying the notification process. Action: JR 17/01070/FUL retrospective change of use to A1 at 1B and 1C The Highway No Comments
17/009800/FUL change of use B1 to Residential C3 at Central Offices, The Town No Comments
6. Highways LHI 2017: Chaser to Mark MacDonald for latest update Action: JR HGV Limit, The Green ditch, Cage Lane ditches, HGV weight limit – chase CCC for response Action: JR Blocked drain opposite the Village Hall – chase CCC for response Action: JR CCC to send out inspector to review footpaths. LHI Bid 2018: PC members to consider areas of improvement ahead of deciding the 2018 LHI bid project at September meeting. Footpath options to cemetery to be reviewed Action: WM,RJ
7. Report from County & District Councillors None present
8. Correspondence Received
Bridget Halford HDC – Seminar Tree Safety Marion Davies – Rev Bland Installation Terry Hayward – Furture of HDC Tree Warden Coordinator John Bashford – Support for HDC Tree Warden Coordinator Norman Hardy – Support for HDC Tree Warden Coordinator Mark MacDonald – LHI Bid Update Andi Caddy CCC – Surface Dressing Update Jo Challis CCC – Footpath inspection Karen and Peter Jones – Gates at Kimbolton Primary Academy Terry Hayward – Tree Warden Coordinator Update Tracey Stokes – CLT Jonathan Gray – Confirmation theservice desk for Hunts DC is scheduled to close. It was agreed by the Parish Council that they would oppose this and write to HDC stating their opposition to the loss of the service desk in St. Neots. Lauren Fisk – Piglets rental agreement Debbie Wildridge – CLT Hunts Planning – Orchard Farm Planning Application J Newell – Orchard Farm Planning Application Andrew and Kelly Buchanan – Orchard Farm Planning Application Jan Bingham – Orchard Farm Planning Application HDC planning workshop 2nd November Commissioner for Police conference 15th September
Terry Hayward – Tree Warden Info Bridget Halford – Seminar questionnaire Jan Bingham – Orchard Farm Planning Application Andi Caddy – Surface Dressing Karl Brockett – Ditches Cage Lane, Contact J Brown Jo Challis – Footpaths Peter and Karen Jones – Gates at Kimbolton Primary Academy Hunts Planning – Orchard Farm Planning Application J Newell – Orchard Farm Planning Application Andrew and Kelly Buchanan – Orchard Farm Planning Application
9. Cashbook, Cheques in and out Income: CLT Legal Grant £4,000.00 Expenditure: Ibbetts – mower 76.64 E.ON – Street Lights 618.26 CAPALC – Membership 268.27 CAS Insurance 318.38 CLT – Membership 150.00 St Neots Museum – Grant 50.00 G&W – Village Hall Work 5,031.00 Ibbetts – Strimmer maint 79.17 Balfour Beatty – street lights 463.08 CH Brown – path maint 378.22 Bystander Advert Clerk 96.00 Playsafety inspection 79.80 Clerk salary to end June 2017 947.72 Total £8556.54 Balance in Community Account £18,457.50 Cashbook was reviewed and approved. Clerk salary and expenses were approved Bank mandate changes were approved:
Jo Russel to be account owner/maintainer
Add AW as signatory
Clerk to be allowed to make electronic payments
10. Affordable Housing
£4k grant received for legal costs.
A model has been received of how CLTS work
Taking CLT forward and setting up. Some legal queries to be resolved with Tracey Stokes.
Steering Committee to be convened.
11. Report from: Village Hall Committee Sofits and guttering work complete £32k application for remedial works grant. Contribution of 11% of that figure will be needed from Parish Council if the grant bid is successful
Playing Field Committee PFC have been successful in the St Neots area Tesco Bags Of Help for the period 1 July to 31 August.
Second application to Big Lottery Fund has been submitted. £10k has been requested.
Accounts to 31/3/17 have been audited.
Neighbourhood Watch No report
Speed Watch No report
12. Parish Matters It was agreed to send tree wardens on a Tree Safety Seminar at a cost of £104. The street light opposite the village hall has not be working. Clerk to investigate and chase maintenance company Action JR
Dates of meetings for 2017 6th September 22nd November
BJ thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.21pm.