Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council
Meeting held on 24th January 2019 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion
Present: R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG) G Brittain (GB) D Moore (DM) N Yates (NY) A Gilbert (AG) J Bowen (JB)
Ian Gardener (IG) J Russel (JR) (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence – L Goody (LG), W Mumford (WM), Darren Tysoe (DT)
2. Residents’ Forum Mr Ray May attended to discuss the parking issues in Lauras Close and the cones that had been placed in the area. The cones were there for 10 days in total but should have only been place there for 7 days. Mr May stated that Lauras Close is not a junction. Their junction is with the footpath and not the main road. He queried whether now the road is a B road and not an A road whether the white line could be shortened. The cones have affected his business. BJ explained that this was a police issue. The PC had advised people via Facebook and Life that it is illegal to park in that area and that the police will enforce, so it is important that people are aware of the issue. People outside of the village park there when visiting the Doctors, for example, and unfortunately this is leading to discord with the residents from Laura Close. AG advised that the PC have made the decision not to put yellow lines in the area which had been requested by the residents of Lauras Close. The people from Lauras Close have therefore contacted the police to put the cones in the area and as expected this has moved the problem elsewhere. The Doctors have requested that their staff park in the village hall which will help alleviate the problem. Mr May confirmed that he informs his customers not to park illegally. BJ advised that the PC understands the issue and will not make matters more difficult. But it is the job of the police to enforce the law. As part of an objection raised to a local development the PC has requested that CCC Highways review the parking on The Highway and the PC will look at their response as soon as it is received.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2018 – The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
4. Declarations of interest – none
5. Matters arising:
Parking on grass verges on The Highway – no further problems reported.
Ditches – BJ met with James Duberly at Cage Lane and identified the problem ditches and he will see what he can do to alleviate the problem. WM is also due to do some work in the area so that will also help.
Missing County sign – Clerk has again reported as it has still not been replaced. But CCC report that matter is being dealt with and the works ordered.
Time bank – BJ has made the grant application to the Innovate Fund to set up the scheme but unfortunately this was not successful. IG has spoken to the grants committee and advised that further information should be supplied, and the grant application resubmitted. IG offered to attend that grant committee meeting with BJ. JR will notify Perry and Hail Weston of the current situation.
PC Website – Dianne Palmer is doing a wonderful job in keeping the website up to date.
Green Lane potholes – DM has photographed these and will submit to CCC.
Speed limits in The Town – DM no longer able to email his contact at CCC but RB is assisting in trying to find another contact.
Weight Limit on the bridge, The Town – Unfortunately the response from CCC means this is not going to be a possibility. JR will let the residents know.
Broken Fence Beachampstead Road – JB will contact David Hoenig to see if he can assist.
Bollards Green Close – JB has emailed the Horticultural Society to see if they can help with the planters.
Vacancies on committees – carried forward.
Little Staughton air field solar project grant – the new company dealing with this development will provide £60,000 divided between 4 parish councils. It was agreed that GSPC would accept the offer of approx. £21,000 and express their gratitude.
Rural watch – it was agreed that due to the level of commitment and organisation required it was not feasible to join the scheme.
6. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended Cambridgeshire Local Council Conference on 23 November 2018. This was well attended by 85 town and parish councils. The Mayor of Cambridge spoke about how he is trying to facilitate more housing. There is also a scheme proposed for a tram from St Neots to Cambridge. There is significant investment going into the St Neots Masterplan. They are also looking into the Cambridge to Oxford railway line. Swaffham Priory CLT are also looking providing a heat source pump for their village. IG advised that there are grants available to villages who are looking to provide an alternative way of heating their homes. CCC are looking for a village interested in taking such a project forward. IG has some documentation that he can pass to the PC and they may be willing to come to talk to the PC at some point. HG attended the Planning Forum at HDC which she found very useful. BJ will attend that Hunts Forum in February 2019 and there is also a Mobility and Energy Seminar on 5 March which BJ and HG will attend.
7. Planning – Local Plan – GS was previously named as a Local Service Centre, but this has now been deleted by the Planning Inspector. He did not like the category and so HDC were told to remove it. Bluntisham and Alconbury were also previous named as LSC. The PC felt this was potentially a good idea to be a LSC and this will be communicated to HDC. Solar Farm – Grafham Water – GSPC is not a statutory consultee, but it was agreed the clerk would raise the issue with Perry PC to see if a joint meeting should be held between Anglian Water to obtain more information. The clerk is awaiting a response from Perry regarding meeting dates, but their clerk has recently left so there may be a delay. Applications: Crown Farm Moor Road Great Staughton (ref 18/02749/FUL) – grain store – no objections/comments Stable Cottage The Town Great Staughton (18/02532/HHFUL) – no comments/objections Land South Of Beacon Farm Moor Road Great Staughton (ref 18/02755/FUL) – no comments/objections Land West Of 69 The Highway Great Staughton (ref 18/02095/FUL) – objections raised by the Parish Council by email on 16 November 2018.
8. Highways – Parking issues Lauras Close – if people are parking illegally then this is a matter that needs to be enforced by the police. Derek Chapman has made a complaint to the Monitoring Officer at HDC regarding the conduct of BJ and the PC. This is in the hands of Lisa Jablonska at HDC. Norman Hardy has written to the council to express his concern about the parking difficulties elsewhere in the village caused by the police placing cones around Lauras Close. On the agenda for the next meeting will be to discuss speed limits in The Town and what can be done to reduce speed of traffic and increase safety in the area. IG said he can arrange for an engineer to have a look to see what solutions may be possible. GB raised the condition of the footpath over the bridge near the church running from The Causeway to The Town. Clerk will raise this with CCC Highways. JB raised parking in Beachampstead, which is particularly bad on the bend. PCSO has visited but unfortunately there were no cars present on that occasion. BJ will talk to the resident. JB – Piglets have asked if they can grit the car park which is fine. Need to check if the grit bins are full in the village so the Clerk can report if necessary.
9. Report from District/County Councillors – IG reported that CCC have agreed to replace two mobile libraries and these will also provide additional services. The new route for the A428 will be announced on March 2019.There is a consultation on 16 February in the Priory Centre St Neots about the Cambridge to Oxford railway line. There are also grants available from CCC for electric charging points. We can raise this at the Parish Assembly on 2 May. IG will bring the information to the PA. The CCC Budget meeting is on 5 February.
10. Correspondence – SENT HDC – Precept 2019 N Orchard – Dillington street light issues Ashley Smith – Planning application 18/02095/FUL HDC planning – Response to 18/02095/FUL M Mcknight – Green Close bollards Resident of GS – Parking on grass verges Tom Ruszala CCC – Footpath Notices in Moorycroft D Chapman – Lauras Close Balfour Beatty -Streetlight issues Lisa Jablonska HDC – Lauras Close Roy Amner – Little Staughton Solar farm James Duberly – Cage Lane ditches Ray May – Parking Lauras Close
RECEIVED HDC – Local Plan HDC – Precept 2019 Ashley Smith – re Planning Application 18/02095/FUL Tom Ruszala CCC – Footpath notices in Moorycroft Resident of GS – Parking on grass verges M. Mcknight – Bollards Green Close Gareth Guest CCC – Weight limit – The Town HDC – Local Plan James Duberly – Ditches in Cage Lane Lisa Jablonska HDC – Lauras Close parking Roy Amner – Little Staughton Airfield solar project Norman Hardy – Parking issues Piglets – Recycling issue
11. Cashbook, Cheques in and out –
Income: £5926.76 – VAT reclaims
Expenditure: Cambs ACRE – 54.00 Eyelid Productions – 655.00 HMRC quarterly payment – 184.00 Bradgate Ltd – 117.60 New Flame – 414.00 J Harrison – 637.91 DJ Hoenig – 62.00 Clerk Nov Salary – 245.18 CH Brown – 378.22 Red Shoes Accounting – 14.40 HMRC quarterly payment – 183.80 Clerk Dec Salary – 245.38 Cambs ACRE – 28.80
Balance in Community Account £4,956.83 Balance in Tracker Account. £18,488.37
Cashbook was reviewed and approved.
12. Affordable Housing – RJ provided an update. The Director from Luminus has left and so this is likely to cause a short delay while his replacement gets up to speed. BJ is meeting him in two weeks time. The valuation of the land is a higher figure than previously agreed – £3000 rather than £2000. The grant application to Homes England was refused so there will be a funding gap which the PC may have to pay.
13. Report from: Village Hall Committee – HG reported that CCC are hiring the hall at £50 per day. This could provide an income of £5000 for a full academic year. Playing Field Committee – Next meeting is on 7 February. Gala Day date may need to be changed as Kimbolton County Fayre is on 14 July. Neighbourhood Watch – no report Speed Watch – no report
14. Parish Matters – JB reported that Piglets staff found drugs on the playing field. NY – litter pick will be on 23 February 2019. PC agreed to fund equipment. BJ – Norman Hardy pointed out that the field behind the proposed CLT development was a ridge and furrow field, which could mean it should be subject to conservation order. The clerk is to contact HDC and raise the issue. The light outside the school on the driveway is not working and it is therefore very dark for pedestrians. The clerk is to write to the school asking whether it can be fixed.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Dates of meetings for 2019:
21 March, Parish Assembly 2 May, AGM 16 May, 4 July, 19 September, 21 November.