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Parish Council Minutes 23.01.20

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Meeting held on 23 January 2020 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion


R Jewell (BJ)                               H Glanville (HG).                        G Brittain (GB)

D Moore (DM)                             L Goody (LG)                             Nicole Yates (NY)

A Gilbert (AG)                             J Bowen (JB)                               W Mumford (WM)

J Russel (JR) (clerk).                    Darren Tysoe (DT)

  1. Apologies for absence – Ian Gardener (IG)

  1. Residents’ Forum – no one attended.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2019– The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters arising:

Ditches – WM has been doing a lot of work here. The ditches have been dug out and WM will prepare the culvert. There are some issues with the adjacent ditch running down to the River Kym. WM will point out the problem areas to the Clerk so that she can contact the landowner to ask if he can clear the ditch to the River Kym. These will be marked on a map and sent to the Clerk. The other area is on the hill from Perry. There seems to be water bubbling up which could be natural or a leak in a pipe. Clerk will contact AW.

Timebank –we are awaiting a response from Little Staughton PC to see whether they are interested. BJ said that St Neots would be happy to work with us and he will speak to them to obtain more detail.

Green Close potholes Openreach cover has finally been repaired. Other potholes are still there, and the Clerk will raise again with Joe Hudson at CCC.

Ridge and Furrow fields – c/f as IG not at this meeting. He has been copied in on the Clerk’s email to CCC Archaeology.

Dog on Leads signs – signs have not been put up yet but HDC have confirmed that they will place on the lampposts. DT will chase this up for the PC.

Car parking charges St Neots – AG indicated that she had received an email from HDC asking for her views as a business owner. The parking charges are killing business in the town. People are now having to pay for two hours car parking just to nip to the Post Office for example. The Riverside car park should be a lower fee as you walk into town from there. DT will raise again with HDC.

Pavement outside 71 Beachampstead – this has been reported to CCC who indicated they would visit. Clerk will chase up again.

Streetlight Parish Energy Handover IG has asked his colleague to contact the clerk to discuss this issue but to date she has not been contacted.

Village hall repair work quotes – a further updated quote has been received and the PC authorised the village hall committee to go ahead with GB Builders who quoted £2050 plus VAT.

Lavender bushes Manor Close  – completed

Blocked Drain Cage Lane – completed

Tackling Scams – DM will prepare something to advertise this scheme in Life magazine. Can also put something on the village website (BJ) and Facebook (NY). Clerk is to ask Sarah Freeman is there are any statistics for this type of scam in Great Staughton and then we can talk about this issue at the Parish Assembly.

Archives – this is for historical documents only and DT advised that the cost to archive is quite high. It was agreed that the PC probably do not have a need to archive anything at this time

Village Handyman job – no one has responded to the advert yet.

  1. Report from District/County Councillors – DT reported that there is likely to be a 2.6% increase in Council Tax that works out at less than £5.00 for a Band D property. There has been an increase of 3% in wages in Huntingdon. The Mayor’s office is showing plans for the University of Peterborough on 4, 5, 6 February. This will be providing vocational courses. Local leisure centres have been refurbished but all are not complete yet. DT also queried whether the CLT could ask HDC for help with paying the legal fees etc.

  1. Attendance at other meetings – HG has met with Sheryl French to discuss the application for the grant to have a feasibility study for alternate heat source.

  1. Planning –

1 Moory Croft – 19/02493/HHFUL – no objections

Little Staughton Airfield – 19/02613/FUL – concerns about increased traffic so objections to be sent to HDC

Land East of Bru Bur Moor Road – 20/00046/FUL – no objections

Land North East of 114 Little Staughton Airfield – 19/02613/FUL – concerns about increased traffic – objections to be sent to HDC

  1. Highways – there has been no decision yet in the LHi Bid application. JB reported there is moss on the pavements in Green Close and Beachampstead. It was agreed that the new handyman could deal with this issue once appointed. WM reported a parking issue – people are parking across his drive, so he is blocked in. JB also raised the poor state of village hall car park. This is an issue for the village hall committee though. It was mentioned that perhaps WM could put some crushed Tarmac down. Clerk will also report pothole in Cage Lane and Agden Drive to Joe Hudson.

  1. Correspondence – nothing to report

  1. Cashbook, Cheques in and out – all checked

Income:       £0

Expenditure:   – £2480.90

D Hoenig – £317.50

Bradgate – £117.60

Clerk Salary £306.58

Cambs Acre – £57.00

Bradgate – £235.20

J Harrison – £960.24

Clerk salary – £306.58

Red Shoes – £43.20

D Hoenig – £137.00

Balance in Community Account £1859.55

Balance in Tracker Account.                  £18,534.51

Cashbook was reviewed and approved.

  1. Affordable Housing – BJ reported that all the important commercial detail has been agreed and the Heads of Agreement can be signed now. BJ will put the Allocation Policy on the village website and remind people that they must be on the housing register in order to be considered for a property. It is hoped building can commence in the Autumn this year. Hopefully the grant monies will be paid soon.

  1. Report from:

Village Hall Committee – nothing to report. They have a meeting next week.

Playing Field Committee – It was agreed at the last meeting that the skate ramp would be sold for scrap. The grass cutting contract has also been put out to tender. The closing date is 7 February.

Neighbourhood Watch – no report

Speed Watch – no report.

  1. Parish Matters – NY reported that the next litter pick is on 22 February 2020. She also asked whether there would be any support for having an event to mark VE day.

JB announced that she would be stepping down as a Parish Councillor. BJ wished to record thanks on behalf of the council for all Janet’s hard work over many years and everyone will be very sorry to see her step down.

The Parish Council agreed that JB should continue as a member of the Parish Charities Committee until the Parish Council AGM or until another committee member is appointed.  If anyone in the community wishes to be considered for her replacement could they please contact the Clerk for further details.

BJ reported that light PC15 is not working  – the clerk will report to the contractor.

Meeting closed at 21.30

Dates of meetings for 2020 – 26 March, Parish Assembly 30 April, AGM 21 May, 2 July, 17 September, 19 November

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