Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 22 November 2017 – 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room
Present: R Jewell (RJ) (Chair) G Gilbert (GG) J Bowen (JB) H Duberly (HD) D Moore (DM) A Withers (AW) N Yates (NY) J Gray (JG) J Russel (JR) (clerk)
a) Residents’ Forum – Re Orchard Farm: attended by Lorraine Goody, Ross Goody, Karen Miller, Keith Hiden, Tania Jenkins, Nigel Jenkins, Jason Newell, Andrew Buchanan. The application went before the DMC on 20 November and was neither approved nor rejected. The matter has been deferred on issue of highways safety. Both RJ and JG spoke at the meeting. JG is concerned the planners are not interpreting planning policy correctly and that they are creating another industrial estate, his view is the application needs a complete rethink. He does not believe that CCC Highways have considered the matter correctly and that they only seem to be concerned about walkers and cyclists travelling to Orchard Farm and not the villagers walking and cycling about the village. JG has emailed planning regarding the vehicle movements as he could not interpret the information at the DMC and has stated that it needs to be set out much more clearly. RJ enquired if the residents could make further representations and JG said yes but the review process could take another 6 months. The residents wanted to know how HDC would obtain data re cyclists and JG confirmed they could also provide HDC with their own anecdotal information. One problem identified is that there are no footpaths and they have to walk on the road into the village. Obviously, there are more people walking in the summer than the winter and this should be considered when collating data. It was agreed the villagers would let us have their comments and the PC can forward to HDC.
1. Apologies for absence K Fisk (KF), W Mumford (WM), Ian Gardener (IG)
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2017 The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising Drain outside village hall – JR to chase CC to confirm work has now been carried out as it was reported on 13/09/17. Dog Control Orders – JR to see if the Bye-Law for the playing field is held at the Huntingdon Records Office. Footpaths – footpath 3 has been cleared by J. Brown. WM has been asked to confirm which footpaths he is responsible for. Ditches – JR emailed K Brockett, J Challis and cc’d IG as agreed after the last meeting but no response received. JR to chase again. Missing sign – it had been reported to the Clerk that the road sign between Little Staughton and Great Staughton. JR is to report this to CCC again as it has not been replaced yet. Planning Forum at HDC is on 30 November at 7.30pm – councillors are invited to attend.
4. Attendance at other meetings RJ attended the Cambridgeshire Town & Parish Council conference. NALC were one of the speakers – who suggested that the PC Budget should include training for councillors and clerks. They also mentioned the Local Council Awards Scheme. This will be investigated and considered at the next meeting. The innovate and cultivate fund was promoted cultivate scheme for grants from £2K-£10K and innovate for up to £50K. There was also an IT company there who are able to develop the PC website. The PC can apply for a Transparency Fund grant up to £1500 to fund this. JR has already received the forms and will apply before the deadline of March 2018. The grant can fund new equipment. JB said the PC will need to consider people who do not have access to online content and RJ advised that the website will be in addition to information provided in print. New Parish Councillors – the importance of continually promoting interest was mentioned, it was agreed to put an article in Life Magazine and on the website especially as there will be a need to elect a new Parish Council in May 2018. It was also agreed to create a job description for a Parish Councillor. Timebank – these have been created to encourage social cohesion and caring for the vulnerable. You offer to give an hour of your time. RJ thought it might be a good idea if we talked to neighbouring communities to see if they were interested in setting up a scheme like the one in St Neots. The PC should contact Kimbolton, Perry and Hail Weston to see if they might be interested. JR to write to the relevant Clerks.
5. Planning Update on: 17/00764/FUL to build new warehousing at Orchard Farm – it was agreed the Clerk would circulate a draft letter to the Planning Officers setting out issues for further consideration i.e. safety, points about industrialisation and to ensure the assessment data regarding cyclists is obtained over a 12-month period so it includes both summer and winter months. RJ asked that the Clerk write to the school to see if they will support the objections. The PC could also ask the church to perhaps sign a letter showing their support. Update on: 17/0187/PMBPA – 17 Dillington, Change of use from Agricultural to Residential – this has now been approved by HDC. 17/01070/FUL – 1B and 1C The Highway – retrospective planning approval – no objections 17/02038/HHFUL – 19 Beachampstead – extension – no objections but parking conditions requested. 17/02128/HHFUL – Crown Cottage, The Town – no objections. Enforcement 17/00229/ENACCE – 18 The Highway – clerk to write to K. Boydell re parking issue as the resident seems to be parking across the pavement. Is it right that they can tarmac over the grass and park on this. This has stopped people walking on the pavement.
6. Highways LHI 2017 – DM has been asked to raise some concerns by a local resident who has indicated that they do not believe the angle of the junction is correct and that it may be dangerous. There are also parking issues now the yellow lines are in place along the junction. It was agreed the Clerk would contact the PCSO to ask him to advise re the parking issue and that is was too soon to consider the junction as the work was not yet complete. JB raised an issue of overgrown foliage on the pavement outside 14, The Highway. JR is to write to the resident. The hedge is also overgrown at 4 Smiths Yard and 1 Moory Croft. JR will write to the residents to ask for the hedging to be trimmed back.
7. Report from County & District Councillors JG reported that the HELAA Consultation revealed that there are two sites in Great Staughton likely to progress – Perry Road, The Green and one immediately on Cage Lane. This will be low density housing and will not cause a problem re parking. The Parish Council have asked that any development includes a condition to improve the infrastructure. HDC are also looking to set up a private company to provide good quality private rented accommodation for people who do not qualify for affordable housing. JG also reported that there are still budget constraints and the council does have reserves to cope with any financial issues. HDC is doing well compared to some councils across the UK.
8. Correspondence – Norman Hardy is retiring as tree warden. JR to write a letter of thanks for all his hard work over the years. Councillors need to update their Declaration of Interests. Please provide details to the clerk.
SENT J.Lloyd – Orchard Farm Planning Application F. Flett – Dog Control Orders S. Parsons – Highways CCC – LHI Bid the Causeway HDC Planning – Tree Removal 18 The Highway D.Sivakumaran – PKF Annual Review Return J. Gray – Orchard Farm Planning Application K. Fisk – Service of boiler in pavilion M. Draper – HDC Env.Health – Noise Limiter in Village Hall Oliver Taylor – Cage Lane Yellow lines Ian Gardner – CCC – Orchard Farm Planning Application Debbie Wildbridge – CLT R. Klemperer – Anthony Collins CLT Model Rules HDC Planning – 18 The Highway J. Lloyd – Orchard Farm Planning Application J. Brown – Footpaths K.Brockett, J Challis – Ditches Cage Lane email cc’d to Ian Gardener LS Parish Clerk – Re missing County sign U. Maccariello – CLT meeting S. Parsons Highways CCC – LHI Bid The Causeway D. Allatt CCC – Orchard Farm Planning Application James Lloyd – HDC planning – Orchard Farm Planning Application J. Gray – Invite to next PC meeting on 22 November C. Haggett CCC – Footpaths A. Chapman Luminus – CLT
RECEIVED Little Staughton Parish Clerk County sign missing – Highway sign missing between LS and GS K. Brockett – CCC – Ditches Cage Lane M. Bredin – Balfour Beatty – Street Lighting Maintenance Contract J. Wilmott – Extension of speed limit – Great Staughton Road S. Cranshaw HDC – Planning Enforcement 18 The Highway CCC Highways – Fault reported The Green Tree Wardens – 18 The Highway – removal of tree M. Bredin – Balfour Beatty – Street Lighting contract L.Palmer HDC – Precept 2018/19 D. Sivakumaran PKF – Annual return review K. Boydell HDC Planning Enf. – 18 The Highway – removal of tree C. Kerr HDC Planning – HELAA Consultation John Bashford – Trees on The Highway Anthony Collins Solicitors – Client care letter and terms and conditions R. Lyons HDC Planning Town & Parish planning training on 30 November 2017 Cambs PCC PCC attendance at Parish Conference on 17 November 2017 S. Parsons CCC Highways LHI Bid F. Flett Dog Control Orders N. Hardy – standing down as tree warden due to ill health R Braddick PCSO 7101 – Parish Council Meetings CAPALC – AGM on 7 December 2017 R. Klemperer – CLT Model Rules C. Haggett CCC – Footpaths D. Allatt CCC Transport Asses. – Orchard Farm Planning Application T. Batha HDC – Town/Parish Council details U. Maccariello – Hastcoe CLT potential meeting E. Gilbert – Parish Charities and CLT issues
9. Cashbook, Cheques in and out Income: Playing field – Piglets rent 1,500.00 Groundwork UK – Tesco grant 1,000.00
Expenditure: Bradgate Ltd 117.60 JG Duberly 5.00 JG Duberly 5.00 CAS Insurance 811.01 HMRC Quarterly payment 161.40 Clerk Salary J Russel 646.05 ACRE payroll service 24.00 J Harrison 1,002.36 GS Village Hall 77.00 R Jewell 15.00 PKF Accountants 120.00 GS Playing field 2,000.00 Bradgate Ltd 352.80 Anthony Collins Solicitors 500.00 Clerk Salary J Russel 385.73 Bradgate Ltd 117.60
Total £6340.55 Balance in Community Account £18,457.50 Cashbook was reviewed and approved.
The 2018/19 Budget was circulated prior to the meeting to all councillors and no issues were raised at the meeting. It was agreed to set the precept at £19,000. (GG proposed and HD seconded). Clerk will complete the form and return to HDC.
10. Affordable Housing RJ reported that the Steering Group had received the Model Rules from Anthony Collins which will be considered at the next meeting on 30 November. The registration of the land is moving forward with the help of Tracey Stokes. The group are also working on the allocation policy.
11. Report from: Village Hall Committee RJ hopes to hear about the grant soon he has not received any update for about a month but he has gently chased.
Playing Field Committee NY was pleased to report that at the AGM last week it was agreed to go ahead with the quote from Wicksteed. The total cost is £23,340 and almost all the money has been raised. Work will be carried out in two phases. NY made an application to the PC today to provide a grant of £3200 so Phase 1 can begin. NY proposed and GG seconded proposal and it was approved. NY has made an application to Cambridgeshire Community Foundation to put towards Phase 2. Playing Field finances are very healthy. Extra income has been received from the Little Paxton football club using the field.
Neighbourhood Watch No report
Speed Watch DM carried out this on 13 October. In one hour, approximately 15 cars were reported to the police. DM hopes to be able to carry Speed Watch much more frequently.
12. Parish Matters Mark Saunders has written to the clerk re 8 The Highway – who will reply. DM will raise this issue and carry out another Speed Watch.
Dates of meetings for 2018 25 January, 22 March, Parish Assembly 19 April, AGM 10 May, 5 July, 27 September, 15 November