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Parish Council Minutes 21.05.20

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Virtual Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2020 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ)                               H Glanville (HG).                        G Brittain (GB)

D Moore (DM)                             L Goody (LG)                             Nicole Yates (NY)

A Gilbert (AG)                              J Duberly (JD)                             W Mumford (WM)

J Russel (JR) (clerk).                   Darren Tysoe (DT)

  1. Apologies for absence – Ian Gardener (IG) – Ian’s report was previously circulated and is attached to these minutes.

  1. Election of Officers – Chair – Robert Jewell – Proposer NY, Second – LG

                                                 Vice Chair – Nicole Yates – Proposer BJ, Second – LG

                                                 RFO – Jo Russel

                                                 James Duberly co-opted as new Parish Councillor – agreed by all PC

  1. Report from District Councillor – Darren Tysoe – his report had previously been emailed to all councillors and are attached to these minutes. HG mentioned that she had emailed HDC to enquire about a piece of land and whether this could be used by the proposed heat scheme. She wanted to know if HDC would agree to renting the land. DT will chase a response.

  1. Planning – 69 The Highway – Parish Council are very concerned about the parking issues surrounding this development. There have been no objections from Highways, who disagree with the PC and say that the view from the road is fine. The PC have asked if a layby could be created where there is a wide pavement. This would solve the parking problem, but this has not been addressed by Highways despite the PC raising this. There is some disagreement as to whether it is actually a layby though. Highways view is that it is not a layby and so they have ignored it. The PC strongly believe that there should be a recessed area where cars can park in order to avoid parking issues as have been previously seen in the village. It was agreed that the PC would try to arrange for someone from Highways to come out for a site visit and also to see if a meeting can be arranged with the resident.

  1. Residents’ Forum – no one attended.

  1. Election of officers –

Planning – all councillors

Playing field – NY, BJ, WM, GB, JD

Village Hall  – HG, DM, LG

Highway Warden and Road Safety – DM

Neigbourhood Watch – 1 vacancy

West Hunts Friendship Club – LG

Parish Charities – WM, BJ, AG

Footpaths – HG

Life Magazine. – NY

Speedwatch – HG, DM

  1. Matters arising:

Minutes of the email meeting 23 January 2020 – these were agreed by email.

Ditches – WM reported that J Brown will clear his two ditches next winter. Mrs Godfrey (front of Avery Hill) will take about two years to get right.

Timebank – on hold for the time being.

Green Close potholes Clerk will raise again with Joe Hudson at CCC. DM has reported potholes in Vicarage Walk.

Ridge and Furrow fields – c/f as IG not at this meeting. He has been copied in on the Clerk’s email to CCC Archaeology.

Dog on Leads signs – signs have not been put up yet but HDC have confirmed that they will place on the lampposts. No further action needed.

Car parking charges St Neots – no further action needed

Pavement outside 71 Beachampstead – this has been reported to CCC

Streetlight Parish Energy Handover IG has asked his colleague to contact the clerk to discuss this issue but to date she has not been contacted.

Fallen trees in River Kym – clerk will chase EA.

Streetlight repair Dillington – the cost for this one light is £497.93. It was agreed to wait until other lights in the area needed replacing as this would be more cost effective.

Police surgery proposal – PC suggests that this could take place 7-8pm in the village pavilion.

Village grass cutting – emails from residents received. It was agreed that the village handyman would cut the following verges – The Green, The Highway, Vicarage walk, Green Close, 2 patches of grass in Moory Croft, Beachampstead, back of the village hall, Causeway Close down to the school but not directly outside the school.

Parish Heat Scheme – Grafham, Perry and GS are looking into providing the villages with a heat source that does not rely on oil. HG has been preparing the application for a feasibility study, which is for a £40k grant. An invitation to tender for consultants will be sent out next week so that the application for grant can be informed. It was agreed that the PC will be leading the scheme now rather that the CLT as this will mean we can claim the VAT back. It is proposed that GS will be the lead village and it was agreed that the PC would provide up to £400 to assist in setting up a website etc to promote the scheme. Both Grafham Water and Anglian Water have expressed an interest in being involved.

  1. Attendance at other meetings – nothing to report

  1. Highways – the LHi Bid application has been successful. This will change the speed limits through The Town. DM to review the recent emails and respond accordingly.

  1. Correspondence – various emails received from local residents regarding the village grass cutting, as discussed earlier in the meeting.

  1. Cashbook, Cheques in and out – all checked

Income:       £22,000 Precept

Expenditure:   – £7073.31

Anthony Collins – £2100.00

Clerk Salary £501.38

Play Safety Ltd – £181.20

J Harrison – £472.78

EON £985.58

Lancaster Electrical £893.59

Clerk Salary £306.58

Philip Yates = £77.00

Bradgate – £235.20

GB Builders – £1320.00

Balance in Community Account £18816.26

Balance in Tracker Account.                  £14640.84

Cashbook was reviewed and approved.

Agreed the following grants – Church £400, Life £600, £50 St Neots Museum. The playing field and village hall have both received government Co-vid 19 grants so they will not receive a grant from the PC. It was agreed to waive the £1500 rent from Piglets. BJ reported that we are also hopeful to receive the Solar Farm grant soon and everyone agreed that £400 can be allocated to the parish heat scheme.

  1. Affordable Housing – BJ reported that things are still moving forward albeit slowly now. There are some queries about the land but hopefully everything will be signed off soon.

  1. Report from:

Village Hall Committee – they received a government grant of £10k. They have no other income at present due to lockdown measures.

Playing Field Committee – IG is helping NY apply for a CCC grant. Nothing else to report.

Neighbourhood Watch – no report

Speed Watch – no report.

  1. Parish Matters –

LG  – wanted to acknowledge all the wonderful support that is going on in the village as a result of the current difficulties. She wanted to express her sincere thanks to all of the volunteers, all the council members agreed.

BJ – there has been a comment made on Facebook about the footpath from GS to Kimbolton. BJ will try to identify which parts need cutting and the clerk will contact the landowner. JD will let JR know who the landowner is. There is also a footpath near Zantra which is blocked by a steel gate. There is a small path round the side, but the footpath needs to be made more obvious and accessible. WM will let the clerk have details for Crown Farm.

WM – has received a complaint that AW have closed the bridleway from Perry in Grafham. There is no suspension order. Clerk to contact Grafham Water as this is a public right of way it should not be closed.

Janet Bowen has emailed BJ with some issues – Grass cutting has already been dealt with, but she also  raised whether a plaque could be put up to include a list of the fallen. it was suggested that this would be referred to the PF committee. It is believed that there is a list of names at the Church. Freezer in the pavilion – Piglets is not reopening until September, so this is not an issue at present.

Meeting closed at 21.30

Dates of meetings for 2020 – 2 July, 17 September, 19 November

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