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Parish Council Minutes 19.11.20

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Virtual Meeting held on 19 November 2020 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ)                               H Glanville (HG).                        G Brittain (GB)

D Moore (DM)                             N Yates (NY)                               L Goody (LG)

A Gilbert (AG)                             J Duberly (JD)                             W Mumford (WM)

J Russel (JR) (clerk).                  I Gardener (IG)                           D Tysoe (DT)

  1. Apologies for absence – n/a

  1. Declaration of Interests – n/a

  1. Residents’ Forum – Mr Ashley Smith was present to discuss the planning application at 69 The Highway. He was concerned that the application 20/8238 would give permission for more houses to be built. He said that HDC had failed to contact him about this amendment. BJ explained that the applicant had made 2 separate applications for 1 house and 4 houses respectively and that they were mutually exclusive. The PC have been informed that the applicant wants to build 4 houses not 5. Mr Smith is also concerned about parking problems in the area if 4 (or more) houses are built. He is concerned that visibility is a problem when exiting onto The Highway. Mr Smith reported that he had nearly had an accident himself in that vicinity. The GSPC have asked HDC and CCC if they would change the pavement to a layby but they have refused. In relation to application 20/02111, Mr Smith has no issue but asks for a restrictive covenant on the hay barn to prevent change of use to residential. BJ explained to Mr Smith that the issues raised by him would be discussed later on in the Planning part of the meeting.

  1. Minutes 17 September 2020 –  reviewed and approved

  1. Reports from County and District Councillor – Darren Tysoe – reported that HDC, PCC and CCC had set up a localised contact tracing service. He also wanted to highlight the Local Support Grants and CIL Fund. HDC has monies ready to distribute to Parish and Town Councils. 14th December is the deadline for the CIL applications. BJ said we could use this for the play equipment or to replace some of the streetlights in the village. HG also asked if it could be used to fix the village hall roof, as that is in need of repair.

Ian Gardener  – CCC wish to remind people that if they need help should make contact with services via the Countrywide Hub. Cases in Cambridgeshire are now 79.4 per 100,000 people which is below the national average. Ian also reported that the West Hunts Bus Service is subject to a trial scheme. There will be 5 bus routes from January 2021 for a 6-month period. You can order a bus through an App and the bus can be tracked via the App too.

  1. Matters arising

Timebank – on hold for the time being.

Green Close potholes  – CCC have confirmed to DM they cannot do any further work at present. The matter will be reviewed in the new financial year. IG will visit with Highways.

Streetlight Parish Energy Handover IG has asked his colleague to contact the clerk to discuss this issue but to date she has not been contacted

Playing Field Memorial  – BJ reported that Nick Orchard has offered to sponsor the plaque. The GSPC are very grateful indeed for this and would like to express their thanks for this, it is very much appreciated. The Vicar has agreed to bless the plaque on 13 December at 2.30pm. Details will be advertised in Life.

Replacement of streetlight in Dillington – emails have been circulated to the GSPC. Streetlight 17 has failed numerous times and Balfour Beatty have advised it should be replaced. They have also advised that it will be more cost effective to replace other lights at the same time. IG advise that a CIL application could be made to fund these replacements. It was agreed to make the application and then replace the lights that Balfour Beatty have quoted for i.e. PC17, PC4, PC3 and The Green (PC18 ?), PC14.

Luton Airport Flight Plan Consultation – the councillors had all reviewed the information regarding these proposals. The consultation period is running until 5/2/2021. The general consensus was that this would not affect the village significantly and the GSPC did not have any issues to raise. Obviously, there may be a concern if the airport was to be expanded. It would be useful to know how often the stack has been used in the last 5 years as that information does not seem to be available as of yet. It was agreed LG would attend an online meeting run by HDC and GSPC would keep a watching brief.

Licence to Cultivate – 24 The Highway – this application was refused by CCC.

Moory Croft trees – Phil Yates has cut these back – thanks to him for carrying out this work.

  1. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended the CCC Virtual Conference. One point that came out of that meeting is that GS is in a service delivery area with Abbotsley and Toseland rather than Perry and Graham, which would be more appropriate. In addition, the conference detailed how various parishes are dealing with Covid 19. BJ also mooted the idea of GS preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. The benefits of this are that you can then make a real impression on any planning application. BJ suggested that we could do one with Perry. The last Village Plan was prepared in 2012. This surveyed the village and looked at what facilities we had etc. There are grants available to help with the preparation of this and BJ will be advertised on Facebook etc to see if there is an interest.

  1. Planning –

Letter from Ashley Smith dated 19 October re 20/80238/COND – 69 The Highway

20/02111/FUL – Land West of 69 The Highway – retrospective – change of use of land – stables and hay barn  – there are no objections on behalf of GSPC. If there is a further application to change us to residential then the GSPC can raise objections at that time. A restrictive covenant is not appropriate in these circumstances and the GSPC has no power to request this in any event. Regarding the parking issues raised by Mr Smith. The concern is that if people cannot park there you will simply move the problem to elsewhere in the village. Highways are very clear that it not an issue for them. AG pointed out that there had never been an accident in that area. The GSPC do not believe that parking in that area forms an obstruction.

20/01915/FUL – Land North East of 29 The Green – comments sent to HDC supporting the application. There are no objections so far.

  1. Highways

LHi Bid 20/21 – DM  – we have not heard yet when the work will start. Regarding an application for 21/22 IG is not sure when the application process starts but it’s likely to be around September 2021. GSPC may wish to make another application for a Zebra Crossing. DM is to talk to IG and the Highways engineer.

Drain near Red House – this has now been cleared.

Stolen sign The Green  – this was stolen and JR will chase this up again with HDC as it has not been replaced yet.

Hump in road Dillington– WM will provide JR will a map pin-pointing the area so she can report to Highways.

Debris in traffic calming area The Highway – GB asked if JR could report this to CCC and have this cleared. It’s the area outside 10 The Highway.

Footpath 34 Beachampstead – path is in poor condition and has been reported by a resident. JR will report to Highways.

7 Manor Close – pothole in footpath reported by a resident. JR will report to Highways.

  1. Correspondence – see above

  1. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Income:       £30,650.00


Balfour Beatty     £483.48

Janet Hall £637.54

J Russel £306.58

Anthony Collins £1140.00

J Duberly £10.00

Red Shoes £45.00

CLT Network £350.00

Philip Yates £124.75

Anthony Collins £1140.00

CAS Ltd £851.20

Eyelid Productions £160.00

Nicola Hageman accountant £90.00

J Russel £306.58

Philip Yates £96.75

Bradgate £235.20

Balance in Community Account        £35,445.57

Balance in Tracker Account.                  £14,646.93

  1. Affordable Housing – BJ reported that there is some investigation work going on the site. It is believed that site clearance will commence in March 2021.

  1. Three Village Sustainable Heart Scheme – HG reported that the grant had been approved for the feasibility study. Element Energy is the company that will be carrying out this work. A PR consultant (Janet Hall) has been appointed. GSPC will be the lead PC and we will receive the grant monies. It was agreed to go ahead with the Agreement (previously circulated) with Perry and Grafham.

  1. Budget and Precept 21/22 – the budget had been previously circulated to all parish councillors. It was agreed to keep the Precept at £22,000 which was the same amount as last year.

  1. Report from:

Village Hall Committee – HG reported that the village hall roof is in need of repair, that is estimated at £6000. The hall is currently closed to groups but is being used by CCC.

Playing Field Committee – no report

Neighbourhood Watch – no report

Speed Watch – no report.

  1. Parish Matters – nothing to report

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Dates of meetings for 2021 – 28 January, 4th March, Parish Assembly 13th May, AGM 27th May, 8th July, 9th September, 11th November

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