Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council
Virtual Meeting held on 17 September 2020 – 7.30pm
R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG). G Brittain (GB)
D Moore (DM) N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG)
A Gilbert (AG) J Duberly (JD)
J Russel (JR) (clerk). I Gardener (IG)
1. Apologies for absence – Darren Tysoe, W Mumford
2. Residents’ Forum – Mr Bashford and Mr Hardy the tree wardens have written to the PC about the trees in the River Kym. Mr Hardy would like the trees left in rather than them being removed by the Environment Agency. It was agreed that the PC will not chase the EA to remove these trees. In addition, they have requested that the apple tree near to the surgery needed trimming. The PC will ask Phil Yates to do this as Mr Hoenig is not able to cut these at present. There are also trees in Moory Croft which Phil Yates will also be asked to trim.
3. Declarations of Interest – LG re planning application The Manor, Great Staughton
4. Minutes 2 July 2020 – reviewed and approved
5. Reports from County and District Councillor – Ian Gardener – see attached report.
The PC also discussed with IG the recent application for a Licence to Cultivate under the Highways Act 1980, Section 142. An application had been received from 24 The Highway to plant wildflowers and shrubs. The PC all agreed that this would obstruct the vision of drivers and this was of great concern. It was therefore agreed that the clerk would write to CCC expressing concerns and objecting to the application on safety reasons. It was also agreed that it would not improve the look of the village. IG said he agreed with all of the PC concerns.
6. Matters arising
Timebank – on hold for the time being.
Green Close potholes – CCC have confirmed that as remedial work has already been carried out in that area, they cannot do further work at present.
Ridge and Furrow fields – we have now received a response from CCC and they have confirmed that they are aware of the importance and if a planning application was received this issue would be taken into account. We have therefore been successful in alerting CCC to the issue.
Streetlight Parish Energy Handover IG has asked his colleague to contact the clerk to discuss this issue but to date she has not been contacted
Fallen trees in River Kym – EA said they would visit the area in October.
Renewal of Huntingdonshire Dog Control PSPO – there were no comments made on this issue.
Blocked Footpath Crown Farm – BJ met with Sam Paske and he has now put signs up.
Stables erected in field behind Land West of 69 The Highway – matter has been reported to planning enforcement but no response has been received yet
Playing Field Memorial – BJ reported that a stainless-steel plaque would cost in the region of £240. Bronze is more expensive but it was felt that this may look better. BJ will obtain further information and report back to the PC.
7. Attendance at other meetings – nothing to report
8. Planning –
20/00924/FUL – Land at Cherry Orchard Farm, Moor Road – 3 Shepherd Huts – no comments/objections
20/01459/LBC – The Manor, The Town – Orangery and garage conversion – no comments/objections
20/01458/HHFUL– The Manor, The Town – Orangery and garage conversions – no comments/objections
20/01365/HHFUL – 2 Smiths Yard – single storey extensions – no comments/objections
20/01087/PIP – Land South of 29 The Green – 9 dwellings – no comments/objections
8. Highways – LHi Bid – DM confirmed with the PC that they were happy with the proposals that were previously emailed round and he will relay this to Highways.
9. Correspondence –
Letter had been received from Balfour Beatty – the contract for the maintenance of the street lighting is up for renewal. PC agreed to renew this.
A letter had been received from the Solar Farm project confirming the payment soon to be received of £22,000.
A Dillington resident had reported that streetlight 17 is not working again. Clerk has referred this to Balfour Beatty. We will need to keep an eye on how many times there is a fault with the lights and look to replace others at the same time should the need arise.
A resident reported the footpath outside number 42 Beachampstead – this was reported to CCC but unfortunately the footpath is not currently in a bad enough state of repair for them to carry out any work there.
10. Cashbook – reviewed and approved. BJ reported that the CLT has agreed to pay £9350 to the PC. There will be other costs which the CLT can repay once they receive the monies from the lease, which will be in the region of £15,000. The PC agreed to meet any costs in the meantime. BJ and the clerk will prepare a full financial report in due course
Income: £0
Clerk Salary £306.58
Philip Yates £92.75
Red Shoes £45.00
Bradgate £235.20
Anthony Collins £900.00
D Hoenig £205.50
SLCC – £92.00
Phil Yates – £108.75
Bradgate £235.20
Nicola Hageman – £210.00
Clerk salary £306.58
Phil Yates £83.25
Bradgate – £117.60
Balance in Community Account £10,772.65
Balance in Tracker Account. £14,646.93
11. Affordable Housing – contracts were exchanged today. Planning application will take approximately 2-3 months. CLT will be involved in the decision-making process for selecting a contractor. Construction is hopefully able to begin in March 2021 and take 10-12 months. HG expressed thanks to BJ on behalf of the CLT and the PC for all of his hard work. A press release will be prepared shortly.
12. Three Village Sustainable Heart Scheme – the invitation to tender was submitted in July. The grant application was submitted in August. A decision will be made in October. The application is for £40,000.
13. Report from:
Village Hall Committee – HG reported that the village hall opened on 4 September. It has been deep cleaned and signs regarding social distancing have been put up.
Playing Field Committee – NY reported that Buckden Football club are using the playing field. NY is also looking into other grant schemes regarding the play equipment. Piglets have returned and the girl guides are also planning to return shortly. GB is obtaining quotes for maintenance work. DM reported that the school are proposing opening their own preschool. It was agreed that the PC would write to the school to ask them about their plans.
Neighbourhood Watch – no report
Speed Watch – no report.
14. Parish Matters –
LG wanted to point out that the Great Staughton Support Group is still active and asked for everyone to be aware of their elderly neighbours who still may need help at this current time. GB reported that the drain next to the Red House was blocked. Clerk will report to Highways. He also mentioned that the football club had left their nets up and children had been climbing up them and that may be a safety issue. BJ reported that the sign at The Green had been stolen but that this had already been reported to HDC. Footpath outside 2 and 4 Cage Lane had been reported to CCC but this is not yet bad enough to be repaired. BJ also wanted to record PC support for the Fibre for Homes project.
Meeting closed at 21.05
Dates of meetings for 2020 – 19 November