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Parish Council Minutes 16.11.16

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 16th November 2016 in the Village Hall Committee Room

Present: Sir H Duberly (HD, Chair) R Jewell (RJ) J Bowen (JB) G Gilbert (GG) W Mumford (WM) A Withers (AW) N Yates (NY) D Moore (DM) Jo Reid (JR) Clerk

a) Residents’ Forum None present

1. Apologies for absence K Fisk (KF), Peter Downes (PD), Jonathan Gray (JG).

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2016 The minutes were then agreed as a true record and signed.

3. Matters Arising Gritting bin is being processed, request to position at playing field end of Beachampstead Road. Action: JR Hedge is still overhanging from Smiths Yard into Green Lane, despite requests to cut. Letter to be sent. Action: JR Queen’s 90th Birthday medals to be displayed for sale by GM Gilbert. Action: GG Hunts Pest have removed moth tents.

4. Attendance at other meetings Hinchingbrook Hospital Trust (RJ) An informative meeting regarding the merger plans. The Board meeting is soon to make the decision. Hinchingbrook catchment is too small to be sustainable. Merger with Peterborough will provide care and facilities in the longer term. Commitment to maintain A&E and maternity. All views were heard. Any new Trust would start operating from 1 April, members will be: 5 from Stamford, 6 Peterborough, 6 Hinchingbrook. Parish Charities (GG) The charity is happy to be able to support the project to replace playing field equipment. Piglets (RJ) Current lease expires Apr17. A new arrangement was proposed with no formal lease. Instead, Piglets would pay an all-inclusive rental, to be reviewed annually, when setting the precept. 17/18 agreed at £1500. School Governor (AW) AW had a very productive meeting with the Head Teacher. He has been invited to attend a meeting on 24 Jan as an observer.

5. Planning Applications received: 16/01925/FUL – The Manor: Swimming pool and landscaping. No comments from Parish Council 16/02268/HHFUL – 66 The Highway: Side and rear extension. No comments from Parish Council 16/02213/CLED – Land west of 69 The Highway: Certificate of Lawfulness. More information sought from HDC. It was noted that due to a change in the HDC Planning process, any villagers who offer comments to HDC on planning applications should also email the Parish Council Clerk so that the Councillors can be made aware.

6. Highways RJ met with Mark MacDonald from CCC to review options for Local Highways Initiative for 17/18 (LHI 17/18). There is justification to undertake traffic calming measures on the junction of The Highway and The Causeway. The most logical project would be to create more of a definite left turn off The Highway. It is a good proposal for LHI bid. The PC has agreed to fund up to £1500. There have been further reports of inconsiderate/dangerous parking on The Causeway. CCC to be contacted to see what can be done to discourage this. Action: JR The PC received a letter reporting illegal parking on The Highway. JR to chase CCC regarding clearance of Cage Lane ditches, no landowner response as yet. Action: JR

7. Report from County & District Councillors Jonathan Gray emailed a HDC update: Further work is being done to prepare the Local Plan, which should be ready early next year. The Boundary Commission has now released its final version of the new HDC Ward Boundaries, which will come into force in all-out elections in 2018. The ‘Great Staughton Ward’ encompasses Gt Staughton, Hail Weston, Perry, Grafham and Ellington. HDC is heavily involved in early preparation work on the Budget for 2017/18.

8. Correspondence Correspondence In

Head at GSPA – Governor application Sharon Piper CCC – Flood Traffic Regulation Order James Toombs – LHI Consultation Graham Holgate – Dillington lighting Andy Moffat HDC – Tree Warden Coordinator information Andrew Norris – Car parked on Beachampstead pavement Anglian – River Kym environment response Local Highways – Winter gritting Ardiana Kita Fuller – Leaflet re: parking left on windscreen HDC – 2018 District, Town, Parish elections Anthony Withers – CLT information Tracey Stokes – CLT information Cambs CC – Planning, minerals and waste development NHS Cambs and P’boro – New Integrated Urgent Care service Dennis Vacher – Gritting bin HDC – removal of telephone boxes Jenny O’Dell – Highway parking query Correspondence Out John Bashford – Brown Tail moth Head at GSPA – Governor application Balfour Beatty – Dillington lighting John Bashford – Tree Warden information Balfour Beatty – Dillington lighting chase Graham Holgate – Dillington response Ardiana Kita Fuller – response re: leaflet Andrew Norris – response re: parking Hunts Pest – request to remove moth tents Peter Downes – gritting bins Karl Brockett – Cage Lane update

9. Cheques in and out since 7 September 2016 Income Janet Bowen (medals) 115.00 Expenditure R Jewell (exps) 91.80 Community Action Suffolk 796.53 Peter Round 823.20 PKF Littlejohn 120.00 D Hoenig 153.50 Cambs Acre 54.00 Huntree Fencing 343.20 Duberly Estates 10.00 Peter Round 117.60 Total £2509.83 Balance in Community account: £18,455.20 Councillors reviewed the Cashbook. RJ/HD confirmed they had seen a copy of the reconciled cashbook up to 1 November and approved it. Grant to St Andrew’s cemetery and payment to John Harrison approved. Precept – the council reviewed 17/18 precept proposals and agreed £17,500 application. Action: JR

10. Affordable Housing CLT met and are keen to move forward. Need clarification on Right to Buy legislation

11. Reports from Village Hall Committee (RJ) Damp on front wall from guttering wear needs to be addressed. RJ is collating quotations to replace guttering and soffits. Action: RJ

Playing Field Committee (NY) Met with Streetscape, who apply for grants on behalf or organisations and provide equipment. Cost to replace logworld is £14k. Village open evening to review the plans didn’t garner much support. Parish Council approval was given to apply for the grant and NY, JB, RJ were delegated authority to work with Streetscape on a bid and equipment proposals. Funding from Hunts Community Chest, PC and Charities will all be combined with any successful grant application. A favourable response was received from the school re: use of broadband in the pavilion. PF committee taking technical advise. PC to respond to Head Teacher Action: JR Peter Round is retiring from grasscutting but has recommended a successor. PC approved use on new contractor. Neighbourhood Watch (DM) No report Speed Watch (DM) Team is reforming. Speaking to Perry regarding possible cooperation. Action: DM

12. Parish Matters HDC are offering old style telephone boxes for decorative purposes. DM to review Action: DM The road between Dillington cross roads and the B660 at the fireworks factory is in bad repair. Action: JR River Kym clearance would be welcome, per letter from Anglian. Leaf minor moth reported on horse chestnut trees. AW to raise with Bridget Halford. Action: AW Inconsiderate parking has been reported on Cage Lane. Villagers are asked to park responsibly and report any urgent parking issues, at the time, to the Police on 101.

Dates of meetings for 2017 11 January 8 March 19 April (assembly) 10 May (AGM)

HD thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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