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Parish Council Minutes 11.05.16

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 11th May 2016 in the Village Hall Office

Present: H Duberly (HD) (Chair) J Bowen (JB) K Fisk (KF) G Gilbert (GG) R Jewell (RJ) D Moore (DM) A Withers (AW) J Reid (JR) (Clerk) N Yates (NY) W Mumford (WM)

a) Residents’ Forum The following members of the public were present: Ian Gerry (IG), Tracey Stokes (TS). IG was there to present his planning application (15/023704/REM) and receive clarification in light of the Parish Council raising objections to it.

1. Apologies for absence none received

2. Election of Officers and Sub-committees: The following persons were elected: Chair – Sir Hugh Duberly, proposed by G Gilbert, seconded by W Mumford Vice Chair – R Jewell, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded by A Withers Finance Officer – R Jewell, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded by K Fisk Planning – all Councillors Playing Field Committee – J Bowen, G Gilbert, R Jewell, N Yates, & W Mumford, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded by A Withers.. Parish Charities – Sir Hugh Duberly, G Gilbert & A Withers, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by J Bowen Village Hall – R Jewell, D Moore & K Fisk, proposed by A Withers, seconded by G Gilbert Highway Warden & Road Safety – D Moore, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by J Bowen Life magazine – R Jewell, proposed by N Yates, seconded by J Bowen Footpaths – A Withers & R Jewell, proposed by G Gilbert, seconded by W Mumford West Hunts Friendship Club – R Jewell, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded by J Bowen Speed Watch – D Moore, proposed by A Withers, seconded by G Gilbert Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator – D Moore, proposed by W Mumford, seconded by K Fisk All nominations were carried unanimously.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2015 The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed.

4. Matters Arising b/f – Parish Matters – KF has been accepted onto the school board of governors subject to checking. Action: KF b/f – Parish Matters – Environment response on flooding to be chased. Action: JR Item 14. Council approved purchase and installation of another gritting bin. Action: RJ/JR Item 14. Instruction to clerk to update website as per the Transparency Code. Action: JR

5. Parish Assembly HD reported on a successful meeting. RJ agreed to review the issue of parking on the Highway. Action: RJ

6. Attendance at other meetings None

7. Planning Planning Applications received after 2nd March 2016: 15/2374/REM – Land to rear of 59/61 The Highway: Objections Raised 16/00438/HHFUL – 1 Moory Croft Close, extension: Agreed 16/00771/HHFUL – 20 The Highway, extension: Agreed 16/00799/FUL – Change of use: Agreed A discussion took place regarding the objections to 15/2374/REM – Land to rear of 59/61 The Highway. The objections were based on those raised by neighbours and access concerns. Although access has been amended, neighbour objections remain. As such, the Parish Council voted to adhere to the decision notified to Hunts DC in April.

8. Highways

  1. Zebra Crossing is now in position. Congratulations to all involved.

  2. Junction of The Highway/Causeway – RJ reported that following the visit from CCC Highways, a technical design specialist is required to visit to review what can be done. Action: JR

  3. Cage Lane – RJ reported that CCC Highways had visited the overflowing ditches and advised the landowners be identified and written to about their responsibilities. Action: RJ/JR

  4. The Green – WM reported that drainage is poor. CCC Highways will attend to this when they have a contractor in the area.

  5. Dillington – HD to contact homeowners to address any obstruction caused by street furniture. Action: HD

  6. The Causeway – It has been reported that there is a hole between the Vicarage and The Old Vicarage. To be reported to CCC Highways. Action: JR

  7. Agden Road – WM reported that there are numerous potholes in the road. CCC to be notified. Action: JR

9. Report from County & District Councillors None

10. Correspondence Received 24 Mar – Dennis Vacher confirming availability of new gritter bin and cost. 13 Apr – Village Hall Plus – confirmation of Pavilion and playing field insurance 27 Apr – Ian Gerry raised questions regarding PC objection to planning application 9 May – Notification of Cambridgeshire Community Fair 7 June, ACRE.

Sent 24 Mar – Alex Rothwell, Environment Agency. Request for work on River Kym following floods. 29 Mar – St Neots Police. Report abandoned car on The Green

11. Cheques in and out since 2 March 2016: Income: Pope Charity £967.55 (repayment) Hunts DC (Precept) £16,500.00

Expenditure: Assc Local Council Clerk £77.00 Village Handyman £206.10 Oxygen IT £50.00 Balfour Beatty £349.28 Petty cash £37.50 Village Hall Plus Ins £310.37 Total £1,030.25

Balance in Community Account: £18,450.60 Cashbook reviewed and approved to 11 May 2016 by the Councillors

The Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2016 had been reviewed prior to the meeting and also approved by the Internal Auditor, KE Wilson & Co. The meeting recorded that they approved the accounting statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations and proper practices. It was agreed that the Annual Return should be signed by HD, RJ and JR and submitted to the External Auditors. Action: JR

Expenses approved: Ibbets and Commemorative coins Auto Payment – JR presented a proposal to automate payments via online banking. The Councillors approved this.

12. Affordable Housing The Bill is at debate stage. HD suggested that the working party be reconvened. Action: HD

13. Report from: Village Hall Committee KF reported good bookings

Playing Field Committee NY reported: PC has taken over ownership of the skate ramp facility and insurance is in place. Fewer bookings is impacting on Pavilion revenue Play equipment funding application has been made, though now applying piece at a time. Use of school broadband in the Pavilion would be beneficial for the facility, NY to write to school. Action: NY

Neighbourhood Watch DM said there was a low response to request for committee members, so they are now looking at how to streamline services.

Speed Watch DM reported that they have 3 new potential volunteers

14. Parish Matters

  1. AW requested the roadwork signs on Perry Road be remove. Action: WM

  2. RJ reported that the Friendship Club has a new chair, Phil Yates.

  3. RJ reported that streetlights in The Town are not working. Action: JR

  4. RJ to request information from CCC regarding bus service amendments. Action: RJ

  5. There are concerns that the amalgamation of Hinchinbrook and Peterborough NHS Trusts will cause potential loss of services. RJ to write to Jonathan Djanogly. Action: RJ/JR

  6. JB reported that, although cut, the hedge on Green Lane still overhangs the fence by 2ft.

  7. There is to be a notice placed in Life to remind people not to play golf on the playing field. Action: JR

  8. NY reported on a question regarding verge cutting. CCC Highways cut verges twice a year, neighbours can cut more often if they wish. Action: NY

  9. Note for the diary – Parish Lunch, Sunday 19 June, Hog Roast and entertainment

Dates of meetings for 2016 6th July 7th September 9th November

HD thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.05pm.

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