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Parish Council Minutes 11.01.17

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 11th January 2017 in the Village Hall Committee Room

Present: Sir H Duberly (HD, Chair) R Jewell (RJ) W Mumford (WM) A Withers (AW) N Yates (NY) D Moore (DM) P Downes (PD) K Fisk (KF) Jo Reid (JR) Clerk

a) Residents’ Forum None present

1. Apologies for absence Jonathan Gray (JG), G Gilbert (GG), J Bowen (JB)

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2016 The minutes were then agreed as a true record and signed.

3. Matters Arising

  1. AW to attend school governor meeting 24 January Action: AW

  2. Grit bin now in place

  3. Green Lane overhanging hedge, letter sent

  4. Piglets yet to respond regarding Pavilion lease, chaser to be sent Action: JR

4. Attendance at other meetings Parish Council Conference RJ attended this well run event in December. The key take away is that Parish Councils are increasingly being seen as service providers. RJ will present a summary at the Parish Assembly in April Action: RJ

5. Planning Applications received: 16/02313/FUL – Spice Childcare: Application for temporary cabins 16/02313/FUL – 12 The Highway: T1 Lime: tree encroaches onto powerlines

6. Highways Local Highways Improvement 2017 Every year Cambs County Council makes £100,000 available to Parish Councils for Local Highway Improvements (max. £10,000 per scheme). In the past 4 years we have benefited from the scheme with the road calming measures on the Kimbolton road, improved signage on the B645 bend, a pedestrian crossing and new 40mph and 30mph speed limit signs on The Green. Our 2017 application is to widen the pavement at the junction of the B645 and the Causeway to prevent traffic travelling at high speed (often without indicating) from the B645 onto the Causeway, passing the school. AW and DM made a presentation to County Councillors and Highway officials to plead our case. We should know the result by March. Causeway Parking There is still cause for concern about cars parking on the grass verge between the school and the junction of The Highway. Cars often do not have parking lights and there is no street lighting. It also impedes the view of traffic pulling out of the school. Cage Lane Ditches Cambs CC have provided a map, WM to review and visit to be arranged with Karl Brockett (CCC). Action: WM/JR

7. Report from County & District Councillors Peter Downes Devolution is now going through, a combined authority with Mayor will be in place by 4 May. Winter gritting routes have been reinstated. Govt grant to CCC has will have been reduced £83m from 2014 to 2019. Cost savings are being reviewed. Jonathan Gray Notice that refuse bin routes are being revised in February, no change to frequency, just to dates/times. Jonathan advised by email that he is standing down as Deputy Leader of Hunts DC.

8. Correspondence Correspondence In

Frank Mastrandrea, Hunts DC – Affordable Housing in Great Staughton Lisa Jablonska – Interim review of polling districts, places & polls Derek Crosby, Cambs Police – Notice that LHI bid can proceed Jane Cantwell – HGV covenant Mark Deas, CambsAcre – CLT June Jukes, Gransden Show – Regret for funding application Tina Webb, Capalc – Parish Councils and Funding to Churches Karl Brockett, CCC – Review of Cage Lane in New Year Ciara Cousins, CCC – LHI Panel Invitation Dave Humphrey – FOI Request re: HACT funding N Hardy/J Bashford – Tree Wardens and Trees Jane Cantwell – Extension of CCC gritting Lynn Palmer – Precept Notification Letter Tony Roberts, HDC – Donations to Church Graveyeards Capalc – Donations to Church Graveyeards Dennis Vacher – Confirmation of Grit Bin Correspondence In Richard Braddick – PCSO Welcome Derek Crosby, Cambs Police – LHI application Frank Mastrandrea – CLT Update Lauren Fisk – Piglets Lease of Pavilion Dennis Vacher – Placement of gritting bin Karl Brockett – Cage Lane Update June Jukes – Acknowledgemet Suzi Whiting, GSPA – Update on Broadband Dave Humphrey – Response to FOI request Tina Webb – Donations to Church Graveyeards Tony Roberts – Donations to Church Graveyeards Peter Harrod – Streetscape acceptance Letter

9. Cheques in and out since 1 November 2016 Expenditure St Andrews Church (graveyard) 400.00 J Harrison 915.00 CH Brown 378.22 R Jewell Exps 15.00 Hunts Pest 744.00 Total £2452.22 Balance in Community account: £18,457.50 Councillors reviewed the Cashbook. RJ/HD confirmed review of the reconciled cashbook up to 11 Jan and approved it. Payments to C Brown, R Jewell, Hunts Pest approved. Precept – 17/18 precept application has been approved.

10. Affordable Housing CLT meeting to be held in February Action: JR

11. Reports from Village Hall Committee (RJ) Guttering and soffits quotation agreed from GW Plastics. Action: RJ Playing Field Committee (NY) Application for play equioment funding via Streetscape is in process. Neighbourhood Watch (DM) No report Speed Watch (DM) Nothing to report

12. Parish Matters Graveyard donation being reviewed to ensure it is within guidelines. CAPALC/HDC to respond Brown tail moth treatment has begun. Work will begin on the village brook from 1 March, starting at the church.

Dates of meetings for 2017 8 March 19 April (assembly) 10 May (AGM) HD thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.48pm.

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