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Parish Council Minutes 10.05.17

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 10th May 2017 in the Village Hall Committee Room

Present: H Duberly (HD) (Chair) J Bowen (JB) G Gilbert (GG) R Jewell (RJ) D Moore (DM) A Withers (AW) J Reid (JR) (Clerk) N Yates (NY) W Mumford (WM)

a) Residents’ Forum None in attendance.

1. Apologies for absence K Fisk (KF), Jonathan Gray (JG), Ian Gardiner (IG, County Councillor)

2. Election of Officers and Sub-committees: The following persons were elected:

Chair – R Jewell, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded by N Yates Vice Chair – A Withers, proposed by N Yates, seconded by G Gilbert Finance Officer – R Jewell, proposed by Sir Hugh Duberly, seconded A Withers Planning – all Councillors Playing Field Committee – J Bowen, G Gilbert, R Jewell, N Yates, & W Mumford, proposed by D Moore, seconded by A Withers.. Parish Charities – Sir Hugh Duberly, G Gilbert & A Withers, proposed by N Yates, seconded by R Jewell Village Hall – R Jewell, D Moore & K Fisk, proposed by G Gilbert, seconded by Sir Hugh Duberly Highway Warden & Road Safety – D Moore, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by N Yates Life magazine – N Yates, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by Sir Hugh Duberly Footpaths – A Withers & D Moore, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by G Gilbert West Hunts Friendship Club – J Bowen, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by N Yates Speed Watch – D Moore, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by J Bowen Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator – D Moore, proposed by R Jewell, seconded by J Bowen Community Land Trust – R Jewell & J Bowen, proposed by N Yates, seconded by G Gilbert Tree Wardens – John Bashford & Norman Hardy, proposed by G Gilbert, seconded by A Withers All nominations were carried unanimously.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2017 The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed.

4. Parish Assembly The Chair noted how successful the Parish Assembly was, with another strong turn out from the village. Parking in the village was again raised as a concern, this is to be addressed by LHI.

5. Matters Arising • Ditches in Cage Lane and behind Snooty Tavern, chase CCC. Action: JR • HGV – weight limit, chase CCC. Action: JR • Surface Dressing, confirm other areas of concern with CCC Action: JR

6. Attendance at other meetings Cambridgeshire Town and Parish Councillor Survey (RJ) The focus was on how Cambs CC and Hunts DC support and receive feedback from Parish Councils. There was a good response to the survey and a key concerned raised was the changing responsibilities. There is an increasing need for councillors to understand the role of the clerks, identifying training needs etc. Email has been chosen as the preferred method of communication.

7. Planning Applications Received: 17/00772/HHFUL – 71 Beachampstead: Single storey extension 17/00848/HHFUL – 26 Dillington: Two storey extension

8. Highways LHI 2017 RJ/DM met with Mark MacDonald from CCC, who presented them with models of how the junction could look. There was an optimal solution, which was agreed in principle. Works will involve repainting lines, infilling areas and moving curbs. Current signage was deemed ok. The group are also looking at the possibility of double yellow lines, subject to a TRO, on the opposite side of The Causeway from the new junction, as a result of issues raised at the Parish Assembly. Working group awaiting final costings from CCC and reviewing yellow lines. Action: RJ,DM,JR

The drain opposite the Village Hall is blocked and flood, CCC to be contacted Action: JR

9. Report from County & District Councillors None present The Parish Council wish to welcome our new County Councillor, Ian Gardiner.

10. Correspondence Received

Local Projects – LHI Panel Results Cambs Acre – Cambs rural services survey results John Bashford – Brown Tail Moth Norman Hardy – Brown Tail Moth Alan Lockwood – Brown Tail Moth Mark MacDonald, CCC – LHI Bid Terry Hayward, HDC – Tree safety seminar Sent Ciara Cousins, CCC – LHI award acceptance John Bashford – Brown Tail Moth Norman Hardy – Brown Tail Moth Alan Lockwood – Brown Tail Moth

11. Cashbook, Cheques in and out Income: Precept £17,500 Expenditure: Clerk Salary (Apr-Dec) £1,909.21 PAYE £238.70 Clerk Sal & PAYE(Jan-Apr) £1,098.34 John Harrison £247.59 Total £3,493.84

The Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2017 to be reviewed with RJ and AW Action: JR

Village Website The structure of the village website needs a comprehensive review. There is a consultant who can update the site for £150. Once updated, Dianne Palmer has offered to maintain the website. Authority given to update. Action: RJ

12. Affordable Housing AW reported that a grant has been received to cover legal fees of setting up CLT. Funds will be held in the Parish Council in the short term. The process of inaugurating the CLT is going ahead. Action: AW

13. Report from: Village Hall Committee RJ reported that the VH is running well. Scheduled work on the guttering and soffits is due to be completed in May. A grant bid is being put together to raise funds for further renovations. Parish Council support agreed in principle.

Playing Field Committee NY reported that the Big Lottery Fund grant bid was rejected. They believed we did not clearly demonstrate the need for the equipment and did not like the involvement of Streetscape. NY is pulling together a revised bid with extra quotations. She is similarly applying for Tesco Token Fund. Action: NY Pre School Provision The Trustees from Piglets held a meeting, which depicted a troubling future picture, with estimated roll numbers at a very low level. They was an emergency AGM planned in Mid-May to determine what will happen. The Parish Council wish to see a Pre School Offering continue in Great Staughton and will offer support and speak to other providers, if necessary.

Neighbourhood Watch No further progress

Speed Watch DM reported that Speedwatch are currently planning sessions.

14. Parish Matters

  1. It has been reported that the bridge coming from Moory Croft needs attention. Action: AW

  2. The Clerk regretfully announced her intention to resign with effect from 1 July. The council wished to thank the Clerk for service over the last year. RJ and AW proposed they lead the recruitment of a replacement. Action: RJ, AW

  3. Note for the diary – Parish Lunch, Sunday 18 June, Hog Roast and entertainment

Dates of meetings for 2017 28th June 6th September 22nd November

HD thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.03pm.

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