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Parish Council Minutes 07.09.16

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2016 in the Village Hall Committee Room

Present: R Jewell (RJ) (Chair) J Bowen (JB) G Gilbert (GG) W Mumford (WM) A Withers (AW) N Yates (NY) Jo Reid (JR) Clerk

a) Residents’ Forum None present.

1. Apologies for absence Sir H Duberly (HD), K Fisk (KF), D Moore (DM), Peter Downes (PD), Jonathan Gray (JG).

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2016 The minutes were then agreed as a true record and signed.

3. Matters Arising b/f – KF can no longer commit time to being a School Governor. AW offered his nomination. JR to write to the School to put forward this nomination. Action: JR b/f – Awaiting response from Denis Vacher regarding gritting bin, cc. Peter Downes. Action: JR b/f – Awaiting response to Environment regarding flooding. Action: JR b/f – Green Lane hedge still overhanging. GG to speak to homeowners Action: GG b/f – Queens 90th Birthday Medals still available for sale. Action: JB Moths – email to Hunts Pest to determine appropriate time for action Action: JR

4. Attendance at other meetings RJ attended the HDC Devolution meeting. HDC leadership support the idea of devolution and an elected mayor.

5. Planning Applications received: 15/02042/FUL – Crown Cottage: Appeal over garden decision. No comments from Parish Council 16/01781/HHFUL – 11 Cage Lane: Single storey extension. No objections. It was noted that due to a change in the HDC Planning process, any villagers who offer comments to HDC on planning applications should also email the Parish Council Clerk so that the Councillors can be made aware.

6. Highways Local Highways Initiative for 17/18 (LHI 17/18) is now open (early Nov). Parish Council are considering traffic calming at the junction of The Highway/The Causeway. Meeting to be arranged with CCC to review options. Action: JR LHI 16/17 – traffic calming on The Green is agreed. The Parish confirmed sufficient funds to CCC. Action: JR Cage Lane ditches are still an issue. Awaiting response from CCC who are contacting landowners. Dillington Street Lighting – none of the lights are working. JR to report to Balfour Beatty. Action: JR Hole in Causeway Close pavement has been re:reported to CCC.

7. Report from County & District Councillors Peter Downes emailed an update

  1. Combined authority (Cambs and Peterborough) with a directly elected mayor: Two public surveys show support for devolution of decision-making to a local level but differ in relation to the elected mayor. Constituent councils will be voting on this soon and the County will do so on October 25th.

  2. Councillors are starting to consider next year’s budget for services.

  3. There will be County Council elections in May 2017 and the new boundaries have been confirmed. Great Staughton will be part of a division called ‘Alconbury and Kimbolton’ which comprises 23 rural parishes.

8. Correspondence Correspondence In Date Sender Content

Aug Dan Carlsson-Hyslop Acknowledgement of boundary changes comments Sept Carrie Wright (CAS) Insurance renewal Sept Steve Criswell Devolution Update Sept Jonathan Djanogly Acknowledgement of NHS merger email Sept Frank Backhouse NHW Lead Coordinator Required Sept Jonathan Gray Recycling Waste Collection Aug Little Staughton PC Grass Cutting Aug Mark MacDonald Highway Improvement on The Causeway Aug Mark MacDonald Draft Proposals for traffic calming on Perry Road Aug Will Mumford Rubbish dumped at Great Staughton July Patricia Richards Comments regarding planning application process Aug Lucy Crawford Query regarding HGV traffic Correspondence Out Date Recipient Content July Andy Chapman, Luminus Affordable Housing update July Dennis Vacher Gritting bin reminder July Jonathan Djanogly NHS Trust merger update July Patricia Richards Response regarding planning query Aug Mark Macdonald LHI bid acceptance of draft proposals Aug Lucy Crawford Response regarding HGVs in Great Staughton Aug Little Staughton Response regarding grass cutting Aug LGBCE Comments regarding ward plans Aug Karl Brockett Ditches in Cage Lane, request for help Aug Dennis Vacher Follow up Aug Anglian Environment flood update request

9. Cheques in and out since 11 May 2016: Income: Nil Expenditure: Peter Round 352.80 Playsafety 180.60 Life Magazine Grant 600.00 Community Action Suffolk 171.50 Playing Field Grant 1,000.00 Village Hall Grant 1,000.00 Total £3304.90 Balance in Community account: £18,455.20 Councillors reviewed the Cashbook. RJ confirmed he had seen a copy of the reconciled cashbook up to 6 September and approved it.

10. Affordable Housing Membership of CLT to be confirmed and meeting arranged Action: RJ, JR

11. Reports from: Village Hall Committee (KF) Nothing to report Playing Field Committee (NY) JB reported that we seem to fall between the bandings when it comes to funding, alternative suggestions would be appreciated. AW/GG to raise funding issue with Parish Charities. GG asked if space could be otherwise used now that the cricket club has moved to Kimbolton. Action: AW, GG Piglets to be sent an email regarding Pavilion lease renewal. Action: JR Neighbourhood Watch (DM) Frank Backhouse is standing down as Chair. Role descripion to be issued in Life Magazine. Action: JR, DM Speed Watch (DM) DM reported that he was only able to secure two members to monitor, when three are needed. DM to try and secure a team to do some monitoring on the The Causeway at different times of the day and outside the tennis courts in order to get a view of the traffic around the new Zebra Crossing. Action: DM

14. Parish Matters Several Councillors have had reports about parking on The Causeway, close to the junction of The Highway. Villagers CCC whilst reviewing traffic calming. RJ wished to thank the Horticultural Society for the newly renovated village sign.

Dates of meetings for 2016 16th November NB. This is a change of date

RJ thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

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