Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 6th January 2016 in the Pavilion
Present: Sir H Duberly (HD) (Chair) J Bowen (JB) K Fisk (KF) G Gilbert (GG) R Jewell (RJ) D Moore (DM) W Mumford (WM) A Withers (AW) N Yates (NY) D Palmer (DP) (Clerk) Also present were County Councillor Peter Downes (PD) and District Councillor Jonathan Gray (JG).
a) Residents’ Forum None present.
1. Apologies for absence None received.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2015 RJ pointed out a correction to Item 4, which should read “NY proposed the Parish Council take over ownership, AW seconded and agreed unanimously”. The minutes were then agreed as a true record and signed.
3. Matters Arising b/f – RJ said the defibrillator and cabinet together with the electricals have been installed free of charge. RJ expressed his thanks to Graham Lancaster of Lancaster Electricals for the work. At present RJ is arranging for training to use the equipment and will initially invite one representative from each local organisation to attend. He hopes to arrange a further training day later. A DVD will be supplied. Action: RJ HD thanked RJ. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to the British Heart Foundation for their financial support and to Graham Lancaster for his work. Action: DP b/f – Parish Matters – HD has met the Head of the village school and is optimistic that she will be able to attend the Annual Parish Assembly. b/f – a letter was sent to Cambs CC enquiring about the annual grant to the Friendship Club – funds now received. Item 13 – New Clerk – at present the role has not been filled. It was agreed to re-advertise in additional publications and on Facebook. Action: HD/RJ/DP
4. Attendance at other meetings See under ‘Planning’.
5. Planning RJ & AW attended the planning meeting for the south of the area. RJ said that planning comments need to be specific and backed up by evidence. Concern was expressed by some Parishes at the meeting that applications would no longer be circulated except via email from April 2016. It was agreed to write to the Planning Department at Hunts DC and request the right to reserve a paper copy of any complex/contentious application. It was agreed to check with Cambridge & Peterborough Association of Local Councils (CAPALC) for further information on the planning process. Action: DP
Applications received: 15/02042/FUL-Crown Cottage – extending garden with agricultural land – agreed. 15/02033/HHFUL- 24 Dillington – retrospective application for oak frame garage – agreed. 15/02241/tree – 12 The Highway – tree reduction – agreed.
A letter had been received from a Dillington resident relating to a Dillington planning application. All Councillors had seen the application and it had been given due consideration before agreement was given. A copy of the Council’s comments are on the Hunts DC website. Clerk to respond to the letter to this effect. Action: DP
6. Highways An email has been received from Cambs CC with an estimate of £13,957.00 for the crossing on The Green. The Parish Council contribution will be approx. £4,500.00. AW proposed the County Council be given approval to continue and KF seconded the proposal, carried unanimously. Action: DP
DM & AW will be attending the presentation to Cambs CC for the Highway Improvement grant for 2016/17 and they accepted PD’s offer of support at the meeting. Action: DM/AW/PD
HD referred to the November minutes, in particular the junction of The Highway and Causeway where traffic is still leaving The Highway on to Causeway at speeds unsuitable when approaching the school. Following discussion it was decided to contact The Highways Department at Cambs CC and ask for their suggestions as to how to address this problem and what the costs might be. PD said to contact Jo Challis. Action: DP
The sewer work by Anglian Water at Dillington has been completed and left in a good condition. It was agreed to write to Anglian Water to thank them for this. Action: DP
The condition of Cage Lane and the road to Perry has been reported to the Highways Department and now the road works are completed at Dillington it was agreed to remind the Highways Department of the outstanding work. Action: DP
7. Report from County & District Councillors PD said that Cambs CC will be meeting to determine their budget for 2016/17. It appears there will less money available than was expected which will have a big impact on services. Cambs CC has to decide whether to raise council tax. PD circulated some information which he will email. Action: PD/DP
JG mentioned that Hunts District Council anticipated a surplus for the year but they were still facing challenges. It has been suggested that some services may be shared with other councils. JG also expressed concerns about the future of Hinchinbrooke Hospital as discussions are taking place about merging some services with other hospitals. He felt that residents should not have to travel too far for essential care and offered to keep Great Staughton informed. Action: JG
RJ mentioned that Great Staughton Parish Council has been asked by Hunts DC to take over ownership of the skate facility and had to include an increase in the Precept to cover the additional expense. HD thanked the Councillors for their attendance and input.
8. Correspondence Received 27 Nov – Jacob Jaarsa, Hunts DC re changes to planning consultation from 1st April 2016 03 Dec – Lionel Thatcher, Kimbolton PC – Notice of Hunts Forum meeting 11th January. Action: RJ/NY 04 Dec – Roger Harding – update on Highspeed Fibre Broadband subscribers. 08 Dec – Graham Holgate – feedback about planning application. 11 Dec – Dawn Austin, Cambs CC – Friendship Club grant paid. HD thanked PD for his support with the grant. 21 Dec – Community Gritting scheme – register Action: DP 22 Dec – Clara Kerr, Hunts DC – update on work at Kym Stables 2016 06 Jan – Roger Harding – complaint about continued dog faeces in village. Action: AW Sent 16 Nov – Hunts DC – Precept application submitted. 18 Nov – Lisa Jblonska, Hunts DC – support for boundary review proposals 26 Nov – Dawn Austin, Hunts Older Peoples Team – requesting information about the Friendship Club grant.
9. Cheques in and out since November 2015: Income: Nil Expenditure: DJ Hoenig £86.00 Red Splash Consultancy £426.78 Diamond Learning £24.00 D Palmer (Dec & Jan) £447.88 Total £984.66 Balance in Community account = £2,924.00. All Councillors received a copy of the cashbook prior to the meeting. HD & RJ confirmed they had seen a copy of the reconciled cashbook up to 5th January and approved it. Following a brief discussion it was agreed not to renew the Parish Council’s membership of Cambs Countryside Watch.
10. Affordable Housing Frank Backhouse will attend the Community Land Trust Conference. The Parish Charities have received a response from the Charities Commission giving permission for affordable houses to be built on the land as long as approval is given by a professional eg a qualified surveyor.
11. Reports from: Village Hall Committee The AGM will be held on 27th January when a new Chair will be elected. RJ mentioned that Graham Lancaster provided help with the electrical work at the hall and expressed thanks on behalf of the committee. The village hall is now booked every night. Playing Field Committee NY said unfortunately the application submitted for play equipment had not been successful and JB will be looking again for financial help in the region of £40,000.00. RJ reported that the Yoga class and Football Club no longer use the facilities and he expressed his concern about the reduction in income. However, NY is optimistic that the Tennis Club will run this year. Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) DM said one of the coordinators on Moor Road has left. The volunteers are hoping to circulate information via email in future.
12. Litter Pick AW reminded everyone that the annual litter pick takes place on Saturday, 6th February, meeting in the village hall car park at 9.00am. The team has registered with the ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign.
13. Parish Matters NY expressed concern that items appearing on the village Facebook may be misconstrued as being the views of the Parish Council and she volunteered to manage a Facebook page on behalf of the Parish Council with the Councillors’ approval. Action: NY GG mentioned the work taking place at Kym Stables which has been reported to Great Staughton Parish Council by Hail Weston Parish Council. JG said this is a technical matter which needs to be resolved and he will ensure that the enforcement team visits the site. Action: JG WM asked about the possibility of flooding in the village as he did not think the River Kym had been cleaned for many years. RJ suggested a letter be sent to the Environment Agency expressing concern and asking when work would be done. Action: DP AW informed the meeting that there were now 2 volunteers using the chalk based pink spray to highlight dog faeces in the village. The spray is water soluble and will wash away when it rains. AW will inform villagers via Life of the reason for the pink spray appearing on the footpaths. Action: DP NY will check legislation in connection with dogs and keep everyone informed. Action: NY JB said she has noticed an increasing number of people walking dogs off the lead in the village. AW will place a reminder in Life. Action: AW DM has researched movement cameras for problem areas but this could be considered an invasion of privacy. RJ reported that the AGM of Life magazine had taken place and expressed his thanks to all of the volunteers for doing an excellent job. 2016 will be the 40th anniversary of the magazine and special features will appear to celebrate this. Anyone with material or comments relating to the earlier issues from 1976 is invited to contact RJ. KF mentioned the maintenance of the hedge in Cage Lane. He has been asked whether the village could have a decorated Christmas tree in 2016. Clerk to contact the Horticultural Society to see if they would be willing to help with this. Action: DP
14. Dates of meetings for 2016 2nd March 6th April (Annual Parish Assembly) 11th May (General Meeting) 6th July 7th September 9th November
HD thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.00pm.