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Parish Council Minutes 05.07.18

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Meeting held on 5th July 2018 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion

Present: R Jewell (BJ) Helen Glanville (HG) D Moore (DM) Lorraine Goody (LG) N Yates (NY) Andrea Gilbert (AG) J Bowen (JB)

Darren Tysoe (DT) J Russel (JR) (clerk)

1. Apologies for absence – I Gardener (IG)

2. Residents’ Forum – Parking Problems – Lauras Close – P. Rowe, D. Chapman – the residents attended the meeting for an update. DM has asked CCC to come up with some costings based on an idea to increase the parking, similar to that in Kimbolton. DC queried the stated views expressed at the Parish Assembly that there was not universal agreement to the yellow lines option. The PC explained that the concerns were that the parking problem would be pushed elsewhere in the village. As regards, timescale the PC advised that there were not able to give an accurate view as they were in the hands of CCC somewhat but reiterated its position that the PC cannot enforce the law and that is a matter for the police whilst the various options are looked at. DT advised that in his view the PC is doing all it can to resolve the issues. They have contacted CCC but the problem is the engineers can take a different view point. There is also a legal process to go through which can take a great deal of time and money but in the meantime he agreed with the PC that it is up to the police to enforce the law.

3. Co-option of Councillors – Giles Brittain and Will Mumford were co-opted as Councillors. Clerk will write to them both.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2018 – The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5. Declarations of interest – LG declared she had an interest in item 8 on the agenda.

6. Matters Arising:

Parking in the Highway – in addition to the comments made in the Resident’s Forum DM advised that he has spoken to many residents and only one was in favour of putting yellow lines down. He has noted all the comments made in the Resident’s Forum. He is liaising with CCC and is awaiting advice from the engineers.

Ditches – Cage Lane – JR emailed CCC but unfortunately, they are still waiting to replace Karl Brockett and are unable to assist at this stage. JR will send the map to CCC asking them to identify the landowners, so she can write to them in the meantime. The map will also be sent to WM to ask him to identify the landowners. Missing County sign – Clerk has again reported as it has still not been replaced. But CCC report that matter is being dealt with and the works ordered.

Time bank – Perry PC fully support this. BJ advised that a grant may be available from the Innovate Fund to set this up. K&S PC still need to discuss this issue at their meeting. HWPC are supportive too. Clerk to write to ask if they would be willing to join a grant application. Transparency Fund Grant – JR obtained 3 quotes. PC agreed to go with the company approved by CAPALC. LG is to assist. Bridge on Footpath 3 – this is being fixed over the Summer.

Potholes Dillington, Cage Lane, Green Close, Beachampstead/Green Lane – some have been fixed but the ones in Green Lane have not. The road is subsiding here. JB will provide photographic evidence for the ones in Green Close.

Speed limits in The Town – DM will try and arrange Speedwatch. He sent some comments over to CCC but has had no response yet. Corner Green Close/The Highway – hedges need cutting. NY will speak to the residents. GDPR Councillor email addresses – to be discussed at the next meeting when the co-opted councillors will be present.

7. Attendance at other meetings – There has been a meeting with Luminus regarding the affordable housing project. Progress is being made. BY and JB also attended a recent meeting with the Parish Charities and efforts are being made to register the land.

8. Planning – update on Orchard Farm. Matter has been subject to a Judicial Review application. JR has chased HDC for an update but has not received any response.

9. Highways – JB reported a parking issue in Beachmapstead Road. Inconsiderate parking is causing problems for deliveries and the school bus. This could also be dangerous if an ambulance or fire engine needs access. It was agreed that a notice would be put in Life and JR would contact the PCSO to visit the area to speak to residents.

10. Report from County & District Councillors – DT has spoken to WM about parking and planning issues. He has some details to pass onto DM about Speedwatch – PCC has set up a coordinator. He also advised the PC to take photographs of any potholes to send to CCC. Most of his mail is about traffic issues and road closures. He is also hoping to be at Gala Day on 21st July.

11. Correspondence – the hedge outside the property Little Thatch, 14 The Highway has not been cut. JR is to write to the homeowner requesting this is done as soon as possible, as it is obstructing the footpath. There is also a leaning electricity pole on The Green which has been reported to UKPN.


G. Holgate – Dillington street light issues N Orchard – Dillington street light issues Balfour Beatty – Dillington street light issues CAS – Insurance queries R Klemperer – CLT R Ellis – Speed Limits Hunts Cops – Lauras Close Paul Cook – Grass cutting School – Grass cutting Barclays – Banking Teresa Smith – Parking complaint


Balfour Beatty – Streetlights Dillington Renee Ellis – Speed Limit The Town Perry Clerk – Timebank Teresa Smith – Inconsiderate parking Gill Cope – Tree cutting Moory Croft CCC Highways – Damaged footbridge CCC Highways – Ditches in Cage Lane CCC Highways – Missing county sign

12. Cashbook, Cheques in and out

Income: £0

Expenditure: J Bowen £30.41 Village Hall £1,000.00 Clerk May Salary £351.97 Wicksteed Ltd £27,649.20 Kathy Wilson £180.00 HDC £135.00 Bradgate Ltd £235.20 Life Magazine £600.00 EON. £700.48 Playing Field £2,000.00 CAS – insurance £291.84 Anthony Collins £297.60 Cambs ACRE £43.20 HMRC £217.20 Clerk June Salary £301.74

Total £34,033.84

Balance in Community Account £6,183.63 Balance in Tracker Account. £18,479.16

Cashbook was reviewed and approved.

13. Affordable Housing – RJ provided an update as above.

14. Report from: Village Hall Committee – HG reported that the leak has been fixed. Playing Field Committee – NY reported that £6000 would be required to finish the play equipment. She has also applied for a grant with Calor as well as the Gala Day on 21 July. Neighbourhood Watch – no report Speed Watch – LG will attend the next Speedwatch course.

15. Parish Matters – the tree wardens have requested some items which DM will order.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Dates of meetings for 2018 27 September, 15 November

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