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Parish Council Minutes 04.03.21

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Virtual Meeting held via ZOOM on 4 March 2021 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ)                               H Glanville (HG).                         G Brittain (GB)

D Moore (DM)                             N Yates (NY)                               L Goody (LG)

A Gilbert (AG)                             J Duberly (JD)                             W Mumford (WM)

J Russel (JR) (clerk).                  I Gardener (IG)                           D Tysoe (DT)

1. Apologies for absence – n/a

2. Declaration of Interests – n/a

3. Residents’ Forum – n/a

4. Minutes 28 January 2021 –  reviewed and approved

5. Reports from County and District Councillor – Darren Tysoe – he reported that HDC are undertaking a flood review to offer support and guidance on a more localised level for future incidents. He also reported that GSPC had been successful in their CIL application for half of the amount we had applied for.

Ian Gardener – CCC have approved the budget for the next financial year. Monies have been allocated for footpaths and resurfacing and flood prevention. Council Tax will rise 1.9%. CCC are reviewing flooding procedures for the villages. Regarding the planning enforcement issue at Staughton Moor, CCC are responsible for planning regarding waste sites. There will be a meeting between HDC Planning Enforcement and CCC regarding potential enforcement issues during the week commencing 8 March. BJ also mentioned that the footpath around this site was blocked and is unwalkable. IG suggested the clerk contact Zaria Bettles at CCC. GSPC are very concerned about what is happening at the site and DT said that HDC Planning are taking the matter very seriously.

6. Matters arising

Timebank – on hold for the time being. GSPC could not get enough support from other parishes.

Green Close potholes  – Highways have visited the area and this should be dealt with within the next 3 months. We will review at the May AGM.

Streetlight Parish Energy Handover – the clerk has not heard anything from CCC yet. We will remove from future agendas but IG will take up the issue on behalf of GSPC should CCC say we owe any monies in the future.

Replacement of streetlights in the village – all councillors were agreed that we should replace the 4 streetlights and GSPC will fund the other half of the quote.

Luton Airport Flight Plan Consultation – comments were submitted to the consultation on behalf of GSPC in February as agreed. No further action required.

Footpath between Dillington and Great Staughton – the costing for this project would be in the region of £100,000 for 800 metres of footpath. Therefore, although a good idea, the costs of this are simply prohibitive and GSPC cannot take this forward.

Bus services – this will be kept under review.

Tree in Moory Croft – HDC have agreed to remove this after April 2021 as it is rotten.

7. Attendance at other meetings – n/a

8. Planning

Staughton Moor planning enforcement – see above comments. The Parish Council will keep this matter under review.

23 The Highway – 21/00061PIP – no objections/comments. GB queried comments made regarding the Local Plan if the silos are removed and land reinstated but BJ commented that the Local Plan had changed many times in the last 5 years but that HDC would take this into consideration.

9. Highways

LHi Bid 20/21 – IG will chase the officer again. We are awaiting the speed signs.

LHi Bid 2021/22 – councillors are asked to consider this and provide any ideas they may have.

Pedestrian Crossing Safety ideas  – IG will ask an engineer to visit in May and to provide advice as to what is possible.

Blocked drains in the village – clearance has been arranged. Cage Lane has been cleared already. Joe Hudson is going to check the drains. Corner of Highway and Green Lane is still blocked.

Hump in road Dillington outside numbers 3 and 17 – this is substantial work. The timescale for dealing with this is unknown. A new engineer is starting at the end of April and IG will contact him.

Footpath works  – CCC are dealing with this. Works will be undertaken I the next few months.

Damage to the bridge  – The Town – this matter is ongoing. IG is providing assistance. It is now being dealt with by the CCC legal team and IG will chase up their response.

10. Correspondence – letter from Tilbrook PC regarding motorcycles speeding through the villages.

11. Cashbook – reviewed and approved

Income:       £0

Expenditure           £1020.16J Russel327.54DJ Hoenig153.00J Russel327.74Easiprint40.00Easiprint83.88D Russell48.00J Russel40.00

Balance in Community Account £45518.22

Balance in Tracker Account.                 £14647.30

12. Affordable Housing – BJ reported that there had been a delay with the s106 agreement and planning application approval. DT is going to chase HDC.

13. Three Village Sustainable Heart Scheme – HG reported that they have met with Element Energy and they have mapped the heat for the village. There has also been a public meeting with 70 attendees. The local MP has been asked to support the scheme.

14, Neighbourhood Plan – BJ reported that the group have had their first meeting. They are going to use Cambridgeshire Acre to assist with the Plan. They will apply for a grant to help with some of the costs involved.

15. Report from:

Village Hall Committee – HG reported that they had received another grant form HDC for £7800. Phil Yates is applying for other grants. It is estimated that the roof repairs will be in the region of £30-40k.

Playing Field Committee – NY has applied to the Parish Charities for a grant to help with the new play equipment. GSPC will also be contributing.

Neighbourhood Watch – no report

Speed Watch – no report.

16. Parish Matters – DM reported that a property in Vicarage Walk has complained about people entering their garden to retrieve footballs. This will be referred to the Playing Field Committee. BJ reported that streetlight PC10 is on during the day. The clerk will report to Balfour Beatty. It was also agreed that the Parish Assembly will be on 23 September when we can hopefully meet in person.

Meeting closed at 21.16

Dates of meetings for 2021 – 8th July, 9th September, Parish Assembly 23rd September, 11th November

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