Great Staughton Parish Council
Annual Parish Assembly
Thursday, 11th May 2023
7.30pm in the Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
2. Chairman’s Welcome
3. Neighbourhood Plan – It is hoped Natalie Blaken planning consultant who advises the Parish on the process will be in attendance.
Consideration of call for sites Assessment
Views and Vistas
Landscape and Townscape Assessment
Non-Designated Heritage Sites
4. Chairman’s review of the 2022/23 and preview of 2023/24
5. Parish Accounts
Parish Council - Bob Jewell
Playing Field - Giles Brittain
Parish Charities – Eileen Gilbert
Village Hall – Helen Glanville
‘Life’ Magazine – Helen Glanville
Community Land Trust - Bob Jewell
6. Affordable Housing Project - Bob Jewell
7. 20mph scheme
8. Reports from County & District Councillors & Police
9. Reports from the School, Church and other local societies.
10. Parish matters:
Any issues parishioners wish to raise