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Neighbourhood Plan update - 35% of responses returned

The survey questionnaire has been distributed throughout the village. As I write this on 10th November we have 128 (35%) responses recorded. There are some more to be entered. It is very important we get as many returns as possible to the questionnaire as it forms the basis on which the plan is developed and provides evidence of the communities wishes and aspirations. If you have not yet completed the survey please do it online if you can. If you cannot complete online please return it to me at 10A The Highway, if you have lost your original or you did not receive a survey please contact me and I will provide a replacement.

The final date for return of the questionnaires either on line or in paper is Sunday 13th December. The surveys results will then be analysed and indicative results produced.

The results will then form the basis of a scoping workshop for the plan. This will be held in the village hall probably in February 2022. Full details will be made available nearer the date.

If anyone wants more information or wants to join the group, please let me know.

There is also a survey of local businesses and if you require one of these please let me know.

Bob Jewell


Link to surveys:


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