B Jewell (BJ). W Mumford (WM). H Glanville (HG)
N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG). H Hopperton (HH)
J Duberly (JD) G Brittain (GB)
Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG). Stephen Cawley (SG)
1. Apologies for absence - D Moore (DM)
2. Election of Officers – Chair BJ – NY proposed BJ and HG seconded
Vice Chair – NY – BJ proposed and all agreed
3. Co-option – there is 1 vacancy and it was agreed to co-opt DM
4. Residents’ Forum – no one attended
5. Declarations of interest – re Parish Charities legal fees issue – BJ, HG, JD, WM
6. Election of subcommittee members –
Playing Field – WM, NY, GB, BJ, HH
Village Hall – HG, LG, HH
Highway Warden - DM
Speedwatch - DM
Footpaths - HG
Community Hub - LG
Parish Charities – LG, JD, WM
Life magazine – NY
7. Reports from District and County Councillors – Stephen Cawley has been voted the new HDC council member. He attended his first council meeting last night. The turnout for the election was in the low 30% and the Conservatives lost overall control to Lib/Lab/Ind.
He reported on a number of matters on the agenda:
Re the drainage Condition 7 surface water drainage issue – he will contact Debra Bell to see what the hold-up is and we have not had a response to our correspondence.
Re the planning application for Lawful Use Certificates on Little America – the planning officer has agreed to keep him in the loop and the outcomes are expected very shortly.
Wyboston village/Denny Brook – this is a Bedford Development crossing into Huntingdon. SM will ask for a briefing and report back in due course.
Noisy motorbikes – SM suggested the clerk contact Environmental Health to raise this issue in light of what the PCSO has advised as EH are responsible for noise pollution.
IG – reported on a number of matters on the agenda:
Footpath 40 – he is still waiting for an update as the new Rights of Way Officer has still not been appointed. There is currently 1 officer for the whole of Cambridgeshire.
20 MPH speed Limit in Dillington – he has heard nothing further regarding the 20mph grant scheme. They are very short staffed at present and so there will be a delay. There is a possibility of proceeding under the LHI scheme though.
Parts of the A1 are being closed during the summer. He will send the clerk a document explaining the closures so this can be put on our website.
Blocked public highway Grafham/Perry – this will also need to wait until the new Rights of Way Officer is appointed.
8. Minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2022 – approved.
9. Matters arising:
Green Close potholes – will be repaired in the next 3 months
Tree in Moory Croft – we have asked Highways to replace this tree
Pavilion Repairs – GB is chasing quotes.
Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – waiting for the new footpath officer to be appointed
Drainage in New Development – see above
Parish Charities Legal costs – NY chaired this section of the meeting. All members of the CLT and the Charities declared their interest. The GSPC had agreed to underwrite the CLT costs not the Parish Charites costs. These were fully repaid from the grants and revenue received by the CLT. Nothing provided in Parish Charites minutes specifically says that the CLT or Parish Council would pay for their legal costs. It was suggested that it was not appropriate for this money to be paid by the Council taxpayers of the Parish when the Parish Charities have £170,000 in their funds. . The Parish Council was never asked to pay the legal fees and this has not been budgeted for. It was accepted that there is reference in the Parish Charites minutes asking the Parish Council to pay the Parish Charities legal fees but this was never formally followed up to get a final commitment. It was raised at one of the Steering Group meetings if Luminus could pay the Parish Charites legal fees but Luminus refused. The Parish Council therefore declined to pay the Charities’ legal costs.
Rerouting footpath – no progress to date
10. Attendance at other meetings – n/a
11. Highways
LHI bid 21/22 – still waiting to hear about this application
Blocked drains – these have been silted up again but the Highways officer has agreed to clear again.
Speed limits Dillington – see above
Blocked public highway Perry – see above
Footpath from Dillington to The Green- WM is dealing with this and has cut the path twice
Motorbikes – see above. Clerk will contact HDC
Rerouting of footpath near new housing development – WM and JD - matter ongoing
12. Planning
Staughton Moor planning enforcement – monthly updates from HDC/CCC
21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC.
Wyboston Garden Village – see above
21/02698/CLED – The Cook House, 14 Little America - objections sent to HDC – matter ongoing
Proposed Solar Farm on land to the south of High Wood – no formal application submitted yet. This relates to the existing solar farm being extended.
Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America, Forestry Fuels – ongoing
22/00725/LBC 1 The Green - single storey extension – no comments/objections
22/00807/CLED Lawful development Certificate B2 for Car Repair consultation – 12 Little America Industrial Estate – GSPC will send a response by 20 May.
13. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.
P Yates £77.25
CAPALC £402.32
Bradgate £235.20
CAS Ltd £325.89
N Power £563.29
J Russel £438.45
ROSPA Play Safety £189.00
Bradgate £235.20
P Yates £99.00
P Yates £87.75
£20,000 Precept
Bank accounts
Community Account - £38,765.85 Business Tracker Account - £21,644.67
14. 14.1 – AGAR section 1 approved and signed
14.2 - AGAR section 2 approved and signed
15. Correspondence - BJ has received a letter from Cambridge Local Heritage List project – if anyone can identify something in the village to be protected can they let him know.
16. Affordable housing update – BJ reported that there will a road closures on 7 June to install the water pipes.
17. Platinum Jubilee – NY reported that preparations are going well.
18. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – no update
19. Neighbourhood Plan – BJ is applying for another grant to assist with this project.
20. Reports from:
Village Hall Committee – HG - floor repairs will be next
Playing Field Committee – no report
Speed Watch – no report
Village Hub – It is hoped more people will attend as the weeks go on.
21. Parish Matters - HH has received a report from a resident about one of the footpaths that has not been cut. She will raise with the farmer direct.
22. Next meeting – 30 June, 8 September, 10 November
Meeting closed 9.30pm