2000 Years of English History.
This book is about the remarkable people from this modest Huntingdonshire village who, over thepast two millennia of England’s history, exercised power and influence both locally and on the national stage. The book gives a detailed biography of each of these characters, setting their lives in the wider context of English history from the time of the Romans to the present day.
An introduction to Chapter 6
It took William the Conqueror and his Norman knights just 20 years to overthrow Anglo-Saxon England. Chapter 6: Tochestone, Huntedunscire offers a graphic view of how William’s followers seized the estates and landholdings in Great Staughton that until 1066 had been held by Anglo-Saxon nobility. William sent commissioners to every corner of the land to determine who owned what and how much tax they were liable to pay the king. The French-speaking commissioner sent to Great Staughton clearly had difficulty with the name of the village and it is in a mangled form that Staughton appears in the Domesday Book.
NEXT WEEK: Sir Adam de Creting, knight, lord of the manor, moat-builder
This chapter of the book will be uploaded to the website on Monday October 3
Feedback is welcome: aw.staughton@gmail.com
Click the PDF below to read Chapter 6.
For further information on this book and to read the rest, visit: https://www.greatstaughtonpc.org.uk/great-staughton-and-its-people
Domesday Book for Huntingdonshire
Page VIII (top)
(West) Perry is in the left-hand column,
third entry from bottom under Pirie.
Page II (middle)
Great Staughton is in the right-hand column,
second entry under ‘Tochestone.’
Page IV (bottom)
Dillington is in the right-hand column,
fourth entry down.
