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Faster Broadband


You now have the opportunity to increase the chances of getting speeds of up to 1,000Mbps earlier via a Community Fibre Partnership ( CFP for short ). Some of the funding will come from vouchers available under the Government’s Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme.

The Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme provides vouchers of £1500 for each resident and £3500 for each business with the vouchers being pooled in the CFP. It is hoped to set up a CFP under the auspices of the Community Land Trust.

We need the maximum number of residents and businesses to submit their address, telephone number and residential or busines status please to, an email address specifically set up to administer the submissions.   We guarantee these details will not be used for any purposes other than establishing the CFP.  Regular updates will be provided via the usual information sources. Providing enough residents of Great Staughton submit the requested information we stand a chance of getting FTTP ( Fibre To The Premises ) sooner rather than later.

You will not be obliged to take up the very high speeds and the slower packages ( i.e. up to 80Mbps) will be at the same price as Fibre To The cabinet.

The main benefits of FTTP are:

Significantly more reliable:  No constant service outages like the village currently suffers.

Resistance to interference:  Fibre is unaffected by things like crosstalk.

Faster speeds: These will be needed as more TV is delivered via the internet, e.g. next year’s Olympics will only be available in 4K UHD via the internet ( BBC iPlayer ).

Improved security: There is currently no way to interrupt the flow of data.

Exceptional Durability: Fibre optic is tougher, reducing downtime and less repairs.

Any questions or requests for more information can also be sent to

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