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Affordable Housing update

An update from the Chair of Great Staughton Parish Council on the Affordable Housing Project

The Planning process is now underway. The application reference is 20/01915/FUL. Full details of the planning application can be found through  the Staughton Parish Council website and through the HDC planning portal.

The planning process can take up to 3 months and so is unlikely to be complete before Christmas, but it could be completed earlier if  all goes well.

The process of tendering the build contracts has commenced.  The CLT are taking part in this process and will endeavour to ensure any disruption from building is kept to a minimum by adding criteria to the tender.  Any thoughts,  comments residents may wish to make please let me know. The start on site is expected to occur in March 2021 with the enabling works. There will be some site exploration works prior to this date.

Any queries please contact me

Bob Jewell

Or 07812725680

Contracts have now been exchanged  for the leasing of the field North of 29 The Green. It will be a 130 year term and payment of £140,400 will be made to the Parish Charities and £15,600 to the CLT once the contract goes unconditional.

The agreement is signed by the 3 parties Place for People (Chorus Homes), the CLT and Great Staughton Parish Charities. This is indeed a very significant step forward. The agreement remains conditional on 4 factors

  1. Receipt of planning permission

  2. Ability to let viable contracts

  3. Ability to obtain insurance against any other title claims

  4. Satisfactory completion of all necessary site studies.

Planning permission is now being sought for the development. The application reference is 20/01915/FUL. Full details of the planning application can be found through  this website and through the HDC planning portal.

If any member of the community wishes to comment please do so and if you feel you may have a need for one of these properties or any member of your family might do so, it would help the smooth passage of the application if there were a number of favourable comments posted on to the HDC planning portal.

The planning process can take up to 3 months and so is unlikely to be complete before Christmas.

The process of tendering the build contracts has commenced.  The CLT will take part in this process and endeavour to ensure any disruption from building is kept to a minimum by adding criteria to the tender.  Any thoughts,  comments residents may wish to make please let me know. The start on site is expected to occur in March 2021 with the enabling works. There will be some site exploration works prior to this date.

Any queries please contact me

Bob Jewell

Or 07812725680

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